The unknown person in the cloak

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Keith looked at Ian and his whole squad, he then told Ian that he told them the battle was begging in 7 days, Ian chuckled and said he knew that but he wants something from them Keith looked at the staircase then back at Ian, Keith asked who Ian replied that he wants the dark soul. Keith looked at Jen she sighed in defeat and told Keith that she kept the dark soul in her study room, she also added that she withered the place and only a hydra could go through, Ian grew irritated and yelled the name melissa. 

a person came through the door it was the cloaked woman she removed her hood and revealed that it was melissa...

Keith and melissa walked to Jens study room and looked at the black athomsphere she told Keith to get the jar if he wants to live, Keith walked into the room and saw that the soul was on the shelf next to the desk, he grabbed the jar and walked back to melissa, but then Keith saw that Nyx and Blake came out of the bathroom, he looked at the jar then at the two, he screamed at Nyx to catch the jar as he threw the jar over melissa saw that she tried to catch it Keith then tackled her and saw that Nyx caught the jar he told her to run with it as Nyx and Blake ran back into the bathroom and closed the door. when Keith looked at melissa he saw that she stabbed him in the stomach with a dagger. he fell off her and saw that she ran downstairs, melissa then told them that they have the soul, Jen knew it was time, she stood up and blew melissa out of the house with a spell and as for her husband he said one spell that made an earthquake, Ian didn't want to give up but he had to. as he and his squad ran out of the house he told Lydia to make it the next day, Lydia flicked her hands up in the air and let the daylight turn into the night...

When the earthquake happened the jar fell in the bathroom and broke, Nyx tried to save the thing but then saw that it started to consume everything in its path, she and Blake ran out of the bathroom and saw that Keith was lying on the floor they wanted to save him but he told them to go, the two went downstairs and told the two adults that they should get out of the house right now... 

When they ran out of the house they saw that it was nighttime instead of daytime, the four of them looked at the house and how it began to consume each piece and structure of the home...

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