Reunite With A Werewolf

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Note: Late publish, Yes I know but if U go to the beach, you have a very weak signal to update but I'm back and hope U guys enjoy this Chapter. I will also update U, here or on my Instagram: Reggie_westhuizen.
Plus this is a very short Chapter but I promise I will make up for it in the next Chapter.

Keith and Nyx walked back to the city, the two had to be careful because they had a bounty on their heads for the last 6 hours. As the two walked through the woods they looked at each other, Nyx stopped immediately when Keith looked at her. Nyx looked over her shoulder and saw a black wolf growling at them. Nyx looked back at Keith then turned around to face the wolf. When Nyx looked at the wolf she saw his hazel eyes, Nyx exhaled and told Keith that it was ok and that he could turn around. Keith turned around to face the wolf. Nyx told Keith that it was only Derek the sheriff of Salt Lake City. The wolf stopped growling and began to form back to human. Derek stood in front of the two and told Nyx that she was wrong about the sheriff part.

The two were shocked to see Derek naked for the first time. Derek asked the two if they were alright, Nyx flicked her hand up then back down. As she did so clothes appeared on his body. Derek then realized that he messed up by forming back to his human self. After a few minutes of silence Nyx asked why he was in his wolf form, Derek replied that he and the pack needed them to take Ian down. Nyx told Derek that she and Keith were busy recruiting some new members to the team, Derek asked who did they have so far on their team, the two looked at each other then back at Derek. Nyx replied that they have The Golden Queen on their side so far.

Derek raised an eyebrow and told them that he could help them recruit more people. Nyx asked him who he had in mind, Derek replied that he can find some of his Vampire friends and some witch friends as well, he added that he could recruit the Ruth's as well.

Keith asked if Derek knew all the Ruth's, Nyx looked at Keith confused, Derek told Nyx that Kane Ruth wasn't the only Ruth living in Salt Lake City, some of them were retired some of them were normal pedestrians trying to live their lives. Nyx finally understood the fact that Kane wasn't the only Ruth left. Nyx rubbed her eyes and asked Derek why he told them that he wasn't sheriff anymore. Derek replied that he was fired because people were scared of him, Nyx asked why people were scared, he replied that Ian told Salt Lake city about the supernatural and showed them what they could do.

Nyx sighed and told Keith that they need to hurry because they need more people on their team. Nyx thanked Derek and told him that she will see him on the battlefield, but when Nyx and Keith turned around, Keith was attacked by a white wolf. The wolf began to claw him and bite him when Nyx tried to stop him the wolf looked at her, she saw his eyes she recognized it, it was Stiles.

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