This enchantment will block any specific species you want inside or out.

That's all she read, it's all she had to. Next to it she saw a piece of paper that had words written in neat cursive.

Until she figures out how to get in contact with someone, she is stuck.

She then got an idea. With the Bloodroot gone, she could use her abilities and there was one she hadn't tried yet that would help. She closed her eyes and thought of a message and a person. Help me, I'm in a basement of an abandoned hospital. Kol...please help. Then she stopped unaware if it worked.
Kol sat on his bed. His thoughts were racing. Suddenly someone appeared in his room. Miracle. It seemed more like a hologram. It kept flashing in and out. She looked scared and had burns on her face and wrist. "Help me, i'm in the basement of an abandoned hospital. Kol...please help." She cried. Kol ran to her, but she disappeared. He immediately began the search.
Miracle sat in her chair, tossing her phone in the air and catching it as Winter went on and on about how her plan had almost been ruined and how upset she was and blah blah blah. Miracle had already got scolded and laughed at by Winter for her attempt to escape. "Its rude to ignore people." Winter growled, shoving the crowbar into Miracle's stomach. Miracle's phone hit the ground as she screamed. "Now as I was saying. Appearantly my 'One' fancys you now." Winter sighed. "Maybe its because...i'm not...a manipulative....little..." Miracle mummbled, trying to pull the crowbar out. "Hey, that's not nice." Winter ripped the crowbar from Miracle's stomach and smashed it on her head. Just then the doors flew open and Kol came to the rescue. By then Winter disappeared and Kol sped to Miracle picking her up, just as she began to see black spots. "Kol." She whispered. "Are you okay?" He asked worriedly. "W-Winter's b-back." Was the last thing she said before she drifted into a deep sleep.

A/N: So, i'm going to start by saying I hope you like the chapter I worked really hard on it and I would appritiate some feedback please. Also, I want to let you know that I would love for your ideas and/or favorite parts. If there is anything you dislike, anything at all, please please please please, don't be afraid to let me know so I can fix it. Well that's it, love you all bye!
She-Devil's Apprentance

Next Chapter: Reunited, A confession, and another sexy makeout scene.

Nearly Heartless {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now