What if I show you (Alice)

Start from the beginning

She places my plate before me then sets hers across from mine. "Thank you, it looks and smells delicious" I lick my lips and grab my fork. I take a bite and moan unintentionally. I open my eyes and catch Alice staring her jaw slightly slacked. I giggle and cover my mouth "sorry, it was sooo good" Alice laughs before saying "it's okay I'm glad" I swallow my bite and take a sip of water.

"So how's Phyllis?" I ask. Alice raises her eyebrows "she's....Phyllis." I nod my head knowing how she can be sometimes...most times. "How's school?" She asks "pretty well, I graduate in a few months so that's cool." Alice smiles "that's good! I'm proud of you, sweetheart." She grins from ear to ear. Something about hearing this woman say she's proud of me, makes me feel so happy.

I grin widely "thank you. It feels nice to hear it. You know" Alice smiles and tosses me a wink. My stomach flips and my cheeks heat up. I look at my plate, trying to hide my reaction. I take a bite and wash it down with my wine.

After dinner Alice and I get comfortable on her couch. She put some soft music on as background noise. While I pour our wine. A few glasses later and I feel more at ease and comfortable with Alice. I'm sure she feels the same given how open she's been. I take another sip of my wine and lock eyes with Her. "So this trip you went on. Where do you go?" She asks

With a little wine encouragement I decide on just telling her a little and not too much. "I went to Houston, Texas" Alice raises her eyebrows a little shocked. "Wow what we're you doing out there?" I squint a bit debating on telling her. I guess because I took too long she figured I was trying to hide something. "Were you visiting you're boyfriend?"

Because I'm a little buzzed I can't help but chuckle. Causing Alice to get confused. Trying to recover quick I just say "I don't do...boyfriends" Alice raises her brows and slowly nods her head "ahh more of a free spirit kinda girl? Can't be tied down" she adds. I just smile and shrug my shoulders "sure. Something like that." I say before taking a sip of my wine, hiding my smirk behind my glass.

"What about you Alice? Are you a free spirit kinda girl?" I say quoting her earlier statement. Alice looks down at her lap smiling before looking into my eyes and saying "I would like to be" I hum "you wanna break the rules?" I raise an eyebrow, just teasing. Alice blushes and twiddles her fingers in her lap. "Yes" she says. I fake a shocked expression and lift her chin, "me too" I say, a suggestive lilt in my voice. Alice's eyes sparkle. I chuckle and tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear before pulling away and taking a sip of my wine. A wide smirk hidden behind my glass.

Alice simply gulps and takes another few sips of her wine. We finished the bottle. Not on purpose, of course, but now we're tipsy. Alice and I are laughing because of one of the stories I told her. "I'm serious! This girl kept coming back to my dorm asking me for permission to take another shot of tequila" Alice cracks up before clutching her stomach and catching her breath. "Whoo. I bet you deal with annoying girls like that all the time" she says. In my drunken state I simply say "you have no idea." and giggle.
Alice tilts her head "what do you mean?"

I ask "what?" She repeats her question stating my quote. "Oh I just- I just mean there are a lot of annoying girls at my school" alice squints her eyes then drops the topic. A little while later she brings out another bottle of wine and refills our glasses. The next thing I know we are playing cards and talking about our exes. "My ex-husband never gave me, roses, or chocolates, nothing." Alice complains. "He never even gave me an orgasm" she states nonchalant.

As I place down my card I just, with no filter, say "of course, because he is a man." I didn't notice it but Alice did. "What do you mean by 'because he's a man'" she asks. I place my cards down and try to weasel my way out of this one. "I mean it's just I've never had a man give me the love I deserved" I didn't lie. Alice nods her head and looks at her cards, planning her next move "I think that if women dated each other life would be so much easier" She says randomly

Before I can unpack that,  my phone begins to ring. I sigh and answer "hello? Yes. No I don't wanna talk to you." It's my ex girlfriend "you chose to do what you did. You have free will. I gave you my trust and let you do your own thing. And what did you do? Exactly. So suck it the fuck up and endure the consequences of your own actions." I hang up the phone and sigh.

Alice is looking at me. "Everything okay?" She asks. I take a big sip of wine and roll my eyes. I sight heavily and shake my head "Yes, just my cheating ex. Crying because they are suffering the effects of their own actions" Alice nods her head then says "why did you say 'their' and not 'his'?" I gulp and avert my eyes. Alice's eyes widen as if she's figured me out.

Fuck. Now she'll tell Phyllis and there goes my reputation. This is the end of me.

"Oh." Is all she says then she looks back at me "excuse me if I'm wrong but, do you not have a boyfriend because you have a girlfriend?" I sigh and nod my head. Alice doesn't react the way I expected her to. I expected her to be disgusted and repulsed by me. But, instead she's okay about it. She's calm, collected.

"What is that like?" She tilts her head like a puppy. My mouth goes dry.
What if I show you
I think but simply just say "what do you want to know?" Alice thinks for a few seconds and I just stare at this beautiful woman. My heart racing at the possibilities of her question.

What did you think?
Part 2 is in the works but I've had this in my drafts foreverrrrrrr


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