Haikuan nods, "whatever it is, at least it made you feel light, right?" 

Zhan agrees, it does feel light in the heart. He wonders if it's easier to be accepting and forgiving than tormenting your heart with hatred of the past. If facing the problem is better rather than running from it. Of course, he'd choose the latter, he decided to face it head-on. 

"Do you think giving him a second chance is way better than shutting him out?" Haikuan asked once again. 

Zhan laughs, "Zhuocheng really does tell you everything Kuan ge," he retorts, attempting to change the subject.

"Well, nothing slips from me. Cheng always grumbles about you," he laughs. 

"He hates me being impulsive so it's a given," he replies.

"Nah, I think he just wants what's best for you. By the way, seems likes Yibo is late today," Haikuan suddenly remarks making Zhan turn his gaze to him and to the kids who are ow outside playing. 

Zhan tilted his head, "What do you mean late?" he ask curiously. 

"Oh, he always arrives here at exactly four, but it's past four but still not here."

Zhan nods, "That so? He'll visit soon, I'm sure," he confidently answers, earning a suspicious look from the older. "Wait! he- he promised me this morning that'll he'll visit!" he defended before the older can tease him, but it looks like a bad move. 

The older grinned teasingly, "So you're waiting for him is that it?" 

"Oh ah, the kids! I'm going to check o them Kuan ge!" he immediately averts and does not even wait for the older to speak as he turns his heels and made his way out. 

Haikuan laughed at his clumsy excuse, either way, he's glad it turned out well.


Zhan sighs in relief when he's was able to escape Haikuan's interrogation, he just doesn't want to admit more than he already has. 

"Let's go, Sean?"  Zhan asked his son upon standing next to them. 

Sean looked up, giving him his puppy-dog eyes, "Let's wait for uncle Bo, pwease?" he pleaded. 

Zhan smiles, crouching down and ruffling his son's hair, "Okay then, if uncle is still not here until later we will go home okay?"

Sean nods happily, bringing back his attention to the twins. 

They waited for an hour and the person they are waiting for had no sign of arriving, and so Zhan stood from the bench, stepping near his son. "baby, we need to get home now. Uncle must be still busy, he promised he'll come to our house later anyway, so let's wait for him there, yeah?" he assures the kid. 

Sean pouted, dejected that his favorite person is still not here, he let go of the shovel he was using to play with the two and stood, "Okay," he answered.

Zhan turned to the twins, "Iku and Zouzou, say hi to mommy for me, hm?" he said to them before picking Sean up on his arms. 

The two nodded, "yes, uncle. Goodbye Seansean!" they bid with a giggle, waving their little hands. 

"...bye bye!" Sean bid his farewell as well. 

As they leave the gate of the daycare, a sound of a man suddenly calls them. Turning their heads to the sound, identical gleaming eyes are at the two. 

"Zhan! Sean!" Yibo called, waving his free hand while the other is holding a bag that looks like groceries. 

"Uncle Bo!" the kid shouted, the pout on his lips vanished as it was replaced with a wide smile. 

Yibo is panting from running in catching up to them, "I'm glad I caught up," he says between his heavy breaths.

Zhan just watches him, biting the inside of his lips to stop him from smiling at a disheveled state of the alpha. 

"You're late uncle!" the boy whined, reprimanding the alpha. 

After regaining his composure, Yibo stood properly, scratching the back of his neck as he looks at the kid apologetically, "I got caught, I'm sorry, can you forgive uncle?" pouting at the kid. 

It suddenly struck a nerve in Zhan's heart that that expression made his heart skip a bit. 'cute!' but he immediately shook the thought away, 'don't get carried away too much!'

The kid was immediate to beam a smile, he nods vigorously, "Okay! as long as uncle is going with us!" he giggles.

Yibo looked at the omega, eyeing him as if asking him if he's welcome to join them.

Zhan's cheeks turned pink, fortunately, the sun is setting that it's hiding his blushing cheeks with the orange hues of the sky. He looks away after some time then nods.

Yibo smiles widely, partly happy that the omega is not pushing him away and that everything is not a dream, and half the reason for his smile is that, the omega looks beautiful being lighted by the orange hue. Quite mesmerizing and enchanting. 

"I feel peaceful when I'm at the rooftop."

"Why? Is it because of the sun setting?"

"Partly, but mostly because you are with me."

"You're so cheesy! *giggles* stop it!"

"It's true! You're really beautiful. The sunset and YOU are a perfect match."

"W-why are you late anyway?" Zhan immediately opens a topic as he looks away, he needs to or the atmosphere might turn awkward.

Yibo looked down on his feet, "A little problem occurred but everything went well," not that Zhan had know that the alpha was being reprimanded by the director and his manager for disappearing for more than two hours after the lunch break.


A/N: I'm thinking of too many things and now I can't even think properly regarding this chapter. My vocabulary is too narrow, i can't 😥😭

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