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The atmosphere changed when Jessie left, the bubbly and sassy personality was missed deeply by the three.

Yet— they were never selfish about it, the three were all happy for Jessie, finally able to get his long awaited freedom.

Alex offically had their own cell, for a few days before they were stuck sharing with a new person, their name was Devon.

The male was nice, a bit intense to look at, but he was soft spoken and didn't really say much.

The blonde had spent most of their time in King and Mave's cell, like now. They were in Mave's lap, cuddling up against him as the taller played with their hair. King was outside playing basketball with a few other people.

"When you leave, I don't know what me and King are going to do." Mave admitted, "we both grown so fond of you and Jessie."

Alex shook their head, "don't think about that, okay?"

"You're leaving next month, how could I not?" Mave asked, "then it's just me and King again."

The smaller remained quiet for a moment, gathering their thoughts. "You and King get out in five years, right?"

"Yeah." Mave nodded.

"I'll wait those five years, for both of you." Alex said, turning to face Mave and pressing a small kiss to his cheek.

A scoff sound was heard and in the orderway of the cell stood King, "you won't wait that long and you won't want us then. You'll have somebody new and we will just become a distance memory."

"That's not true." Alex replied, "I t-"

"You truly think you can wait five years for some gang leaders?" King asked, cutting off Alex.

Alex nodded their head fast, "yeah, I can and I will."


"King wha-" Mave started, but was cut off.

"If they wait for us, they won't be able to live the life they want to. So don't wait for us, live your life, do what you want. If you spend all that time waiting, you're wasting it. If one day our paths cross again, I wish to see you happy and in a good place, not waiting around like a fool." King spoke.

The words hit Alex's heart dearly, unable to control the couple tears that left their eyes, "what if we never see each other again?"

"Then all I ask is you live your life, don't spend it thinking about us. Be happy and do what you love and maybe one day when you get time to yourself from living your life then think about us, remember us in a happy memory. Don't think of us in a sad light." King said, smiling.

Mave nodded, "yeah, I don't want you being sad that we might never meet each other again, I want you to be haply we met each other words created memories that you can tell for ages. We are not a sad story that you cry about and never want to talk about. We want to be the story that you think about and smile."

Alex smiled through the tears that kept spilling. "I'm truly lucky to have met you, this might be the wrong place but this is definitely the right time."

Maverick wiped away the fallen tears and pressed a light kiss to Alex's cheek.

"We have one more month together, let's make the most of it, okay? Don't worry about the relationship we have built and focus on enjoying the time." Mave said, "and just think about all the delicious food you'll get to eat once you get out."

Alex smacked Mave's arm, "we were having a moment."

"Smack me again and you'll have a moment under me."

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