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Alex had awoken, stretching their arms a bit, before getting up and marking another day of the calendar.

It was finally the day.

Jessie had remained in his bed for the night, which made Alex confused since the other had always found a way to sneak in and mess with Alex.

"Jessie, get up." Alex said, "it's time."

All Jessie did was let out a groan and mumble a few unknown words.

"Jess, get up, I don't want you to miss it." Alex said, pulling the male off the bed, "come on, make it easy on me. I already suck at goodbyes."

The word goodbye seem to quickly wake up Jessie who now had Alex in his laps as he held tightly into the other. "I don't want to say goodbye."

"This isn't goodbye, this is simply see you later." Alex spoke, pressing a kiss to Jessie's forehead.

Jessie frowned, "I'm scared, what if things change in that time and we no longer love each other and you end up moving on without me and I end up alone and and-"

The male's worried were pushed away with a soft kiss to the lips. "Jessie, listen, you're worth waiting for. I know you have difficulty trusting people, but I want you to try and trust again, trust me, you know me, you know I'm worth trusting." Alex said, wiping away some tears that left Jessie's eyes.

"I trust you, I trust all of you." Jessie spoke in a soft voice.

The comment left Alex with a huge smile on their face. "Thank you."

Jessie nodded, before pulling Alex close to his body and pressing kisses to the top of their head. "I really can't believe it's time, ya know? It feels like decades in this place." The male commented, "two years."

"And the first one was the craziest." Alex added, making Jessie nod.

"From being raped, to becoming King's bitch, to having a crazy person hire someone to stab you, another rape and somehow you still managed to not fall into a pit of sadness." Jessie said.

Alex nodded, "it was hard for the longest time, the worst part was the fucking food."

Jessie's laugh echoed through the cell. "Please you barely ate the food, you were constantly eating our food and repaying with blowjobs."

"You never once said no, though." Alex stated, making Jessie shake his head.

"Who would deny a blowjob for two cups of noodles?" Jessie asked, before the conversation could continue, two figures had found their way to the cell and stood in the doorway.

Mave was the first to speak, "we have come to say goodbye."

Alex nodded, pulling away from Jessie, "this isn't goodbye though, so please don't call it that." They said as they stood up.

"It's definitely not a goodbye, I can't imagine it to ever come to that." Mave said, "once we all get out of here we will find each other."

King hummed in agreement, "I already have a hard enough time trusting people, I don't plan on losing the few I learned to trust."

The four stood around for a moment, before the doors open and a guard called out for the people being released today.

When the familiar name was heard, it was surreal, it's finally happening.

The four looked at each other, still processing that today was the day, it was almost like dying and having your life flash before your eyes.

Alex could remember the first day here to now and these three were with them most of the time, but now it was time to part.

The guard called the name one more time.

"Jessie Revy, pack it up, you're out."

a/n; if you don't reach 200 votes

ur all homophobic

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