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It wasn't long until Alex's body hit the floor and Jessie was calling for a medic, the guards already rushing around were quick to act.

"What happened?" A female guard asked, looking at the male in the floor, quickly squatting in front of them to check their pulse.

Jessie shrugged, "I don't know, they said something about blood and fainted."

"Oh god, who the hell has a fear of blood and ends up in jail?" She asked, turning on her walkie talkie and asking for a medic.

She looked at Mave, "do you think you could carry them to the door? I don't want the medics to have to go through this mess." She asked, Mave nodded.

"Yeah, I'll get them to the door." He replied, lifting Alex up with ease and carrying them to the door. The guard thanked Maverick many times, as she was clearly a little uneasy with all the commotion that was happening.

The medics came and quickly made sure Alex was still alive and fine, once they cleared the male from needing any immediate help, they took the male out of the cell block.

When Alex was finally placed in the clinic, they were quick to get up and check their surroundings.

It seemed that the clinic was almost like a hospital, there was only a few patients there, a couple guards were seen standing out the door through the glass.

"Alex?" They heard a voice speak, with a quick turn of the head, they saw that King was in the bed next to them. "Are you okay? Why are you here? Did someone sta-"

"I faked fainting," Alex said, cutting off the worried male.

King's face was washed of the worried look, confusion now replaced him. "You faked fainting? Why?"

"You remember how I got here?"

A nod.

"Well, here's the thing. That wasn't my first fight. My first fight was actually in the sixth grade." Alex started, King nodded along still confused on what any of this had to do with the situation.

"I have an older sister, who I adore the most in the world, she was two grades ahead of me. One day as I was walking to the bus with her, another eight grader started making fun of her. I never seen her so sad in my life, she felt embarrassed and upset. I took it upon myself to punch the eight grader right in the face. He punched me back and after that things went a little blurry and I ended up breaking his leg." Alex explained.

King still wore a look of confusion. "Baby, what is this about?" He finally asked.

"Simple, there are two people you don't fuck with in this world, me and the people I love." Alex said, "and his stupid ass fucked with both. I don't need you to fight this fight for me. I want you to rest and heal as fast as possible."

King nodded his head, a small smirk rose to his face, making Alex look at him oddly. "What? Did I say something wrong?"

A small shake of the head came from King, the smirk turning into a smile, one of the few things that Alex has ever seen King do. It was a pure, yet soft smile that lifted up the usually stone cold face that King held.

"No, no, you didn't say anything wrong, you just admitted to loving me." He said, making Alex blush and lower his head.

"No I didn't." Alex spoke, avoiding eye contact.

King chuckled at the smaller's reply. "You just told me you were going to beat someone up for hurting me if that's not love I don't know what is." He said, but the conversation was quickly cut off when the double doors open and in came a new patient, the one they were waiting for, but something seemed off.

Something went wrong.

a/n; in case you haven't spotted it

alex is nonbinary

likes to be referred to as they/them, but still gets called the male.



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