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Alex shook their head slowly, their body now slightly tensing at the thought of what King would and could do to him.

A smirk arose on the tattooed male's face. "Yeah, you haven't?"

A small paused before a small, "no," left Alex's mouth, the male growing with excitement and fear as their imagination started to run wild.

"You're in for a treat then, my little kitten." King said, his hand reaching down slowly stroking Alex's cock.

That's when sirens started going off, flashing red lights started blinking and the guards started to rush.

Over the intercoms, a voice spoke loudly. "Code two nine three, I repeat code two nine three."

King instantly sat up, grabbing the cheap blanket and tossing it over Alex's pale and thin body. "Stay here."

The male said, pulling his sweatpants back on. King left the cell, closing the door behind him. A few seconds later, Jessie came into the cell, Maverick forcing the male into it.

Jessie watched Mave called the door behind him, before turning to Alex.

"Oh thank god, you're okay." Jessie said, the fear once in his eyes leaving.

"What's going on?" Alex asked.

Jessie sat on the other bed, "I thought King would have told you."

"He just told me to stay here and left."

Jessie nodded, not answering Alex's question and avoiding eye contact.

"Jessie." Alex said, their voice in a warning tone.

"Okay, okay, fine. So that code means that someone escaped the hole and is now roaming the prison freely. If it's a code two nine three, it means that the person is extremely dangerous. They should be forcing the prisoners into their cells and locking doors, but I'm assuming that the other blocks are rioting, to fuck with the guards since they are already overwhelmed." Jessie said, "that's why King and Mave are moving around to try and figure out why the guards aren't doing shit."

Alex nodded, "this is insane."

"This happened before, but we were locked up in our cells." Jessie said, tossing the blonde male their pants and shirt, "you might want to reconsider fucking King for a different time."

The male shook their head, placing the shirt over their head and pulling it down, "piss off."

"I'll piss on you if you ask nicely."

Alex face twisted in disgust, "isn't this one of the first conversations we shared?"

"Oh yes, I remember. You shared that you had a piss kink with a complete stranger on the first day you met them." Jessie said.

The blonde haired male shook their head, "you also finger fucked a complete stanger."

"They were hot as fuck, it was worth it."

A knock was heard at the door, making Jessie get up and open it. He was quickly grabbed and thrown out the room, a stranger soon replacing the space that Jessie was once in. The door clicked closed and the male let out a sigh.

He turned to face Alex, allowing the blonde one to get a good look at him.

He had jet black hair, tattoos peaking out from his shirt. He was well built, had blue eyes, a sharp jaw, a thin nose and plump lips.

The males eyes scanned over Alex's small frame, a smirk filling his face when he noticed that the male held their pants in their hand.

He slowly walked over to the smaller, leaning down and overtowering Alex. He leaned in, making Alex back away, not wanting to feel any sort of contact with the stranger.

The male noticed and pulled back, "hmm," he hummed, almost as if he was deciding what he should do with Alex. "What's your name?"

Alex remained quiet. "Answer me or I'll fuck you."


"Full name."

"Alexander Rayne Luxe."

"When I get out of here, you're mine." He said.

When the male backed away, as the door was opened and guards tackled the male and dragged him out the cell.

This is the male.


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