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"What did he do to you?" Was the first thing that King asked, when the doorway was clear and he was able to get in.

Alex met the stone cold eyes that King held, "he asked for my full name."

"Did you give him it?" King asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

The blonde male rolled their eyes, "no," they answered. "I gave him my ID fake name used when I was trying to sneak into bars."

"Good. He is known for kidnapping people, raping them and then killing them. The fact he even was able to get out is fucking insane. Lucky for you Jessie called the guards, because if I found out first I would have killed him." King said, he voice changing tone towards the end of his sentence. "If he would have laid a hand on you, I would have made him suffer greatly."

"Woah, calm down there King, you sound like you might actually care about something." Mave teased as he entered the cell, Jess close behind. "Don't want anyone thinking that."

"It's true. I won't let anyone touch what's mine. That goes for all of you." King said, looking at the three people in the cell. The only three people who could actually withstand male. The three people who were closer to family then his own blood.


His own blood tried to kill him to take over the family 'business', he couldn't believe his own brother could be so heartless.

Some people think that King ended up in here for killing his own brother, but truth be told. His brother was his weakness. The one person in the world that he couldn't kill.

It was around August when his dad became very ill, leaving his gang in shambles. That's when King was told he needed to step up and learn all he could to keep the up and running. He didn't think that his own little brother would be so envious and jealous that he would try to kill King for the spot, but he didn't know his brother.

Zeus, his brother, always felt like he was the outsider of the family. His brother got all the attention and love from his parents, while he was stuck teaching himself how to cook, King was being fed by a golden spoon.

When his father fell ill and he got the news his older brother would be taking ever, even though Zeus put in all the work to get on dad's good side to be able to take over the gang and that he was unsuccessful. It drove him mad.

While King was still learning all that he could about being a gang leader, while his brother was planning his murder.

Zeus had it all planned out, he would convince his brother he was on his side. He would mention overhearing someone talking about overtaking the leader and led him to his death.

It didn't work, the second King saw the building his brother was leading him to, he knew what was happening. The male didn't want to believe his own blood would do such a thing.

Yet, when he entered the building, Zeus close behind, the sound of a gun's safety getting turned off, King knew he had to believe it.

Within seconds, he turned around grabbed the gun, kicked his brother in the stomach. Zeus let go of the gun falling to his defeat as he held his stomach.

"You think killing me, makes you ready?" King asked.

Zeus just glared at his older brother with eyes filled of hatred.

"You're not ready and I plan on being here for a long fucking time, so either step up your fucking game or accept the fact."

The one thing King never expected was Zeus to join Fred's gang, tell Fred everything so when Fred went down, King went down with him.

Zeus got what he wanted though. He's now the leader of a gang, but it was Fred's.

King might have trust issues, but the second he trust someone, he trust them with all his might.

That's why those three males have yet to leave his side.

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