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It was about a month and a half before Alex was allowed back into the pod. Which to be fair, Alex was surprised that they were allowed back.

When they was placed back into the area, Jessie quickly greeted the male in a huge hug. "Never do that again." Jessie spoke, his voice being muffled from Alex's chest.

When Jessie finally pulled away, he led the male back to their cell. "I'm surprised they let you back in here, usually when that happens they make the person move pods."

"I don't know why I was even placed in this pod." Alex said, "this is the most dangerous cell."

Jessie nodded his head, "everyone here has done some fucked up shit."

"Including you?" Alex asked, but Jessie remained quiet as they entered the cell, the male stood there for a moment, before nodding his head.

"I was, I was at the time addicted to cocaine and I wasn't able to afford it anymore, so I started to sell my body on the street. One day a guy came up to me, he ended up raping me and when he was finally done with me, I," Jessie paused, "I ended up killing him and when, when I went to court they assumed that since I was a whore on the street that I was asking for it and sent me here for murder."

When Jessie's eyes started to fill with tears, instantly Alex's wrapped their around Jessie, pulling the male into a hug.

"I'm damaged goods, hell, I couldn't even escape getting raped in here. I really wanted to die, but, but then Maverick saved me from ending it all." Jessie said, pulling away and wiping his tears away. "Then you came and, and made me feel so happy. So please, please don't leave me again."

Alex nodded their head. "You can't get rid of me that easily, baby." Alex spoke, brushing some of Jessie's fallen hair behind his ear.

Jessie leaned his head against Alex's hand, closing his eyes in content. "Thank you." Jessie whispered slowly, reopening his eyes, leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to Alex's lips.

Alex returned the kiss, keeping their one hand against Jessie's cheek, the other one dropping to the male's waist, pulling him in closer. Their bodies now pressed together, as the kiss got more messy and more needy.

The dark hair male pulled away, slowly pushing Alex onto the bed, climbing on top of them. Jessie rested himself right above Alex's crotch, leaning down and pressing open mouth kisses to Alex's neck.

He slowly reached down and his fingertips slipping under the male's shirt, feeling the soft skin. Soon tugging the shirt off of Alex, leaving them only in sweatpants. Jessie leaned down, kissing the newly exposed skin, as well as grinding down onto Alex.

Alex let out a moan, pushing up on Jessie, creating more friction, that made the taller male shiver. "Alex, baby." Jessie whispered out, the way the male spoke it should have been deadly. The soft tone laced with arousal, made Alex feel even more turned on. The sound sounded like Jessie was begging for them and it did something to the male.

"Yes?" Alex whispered back, matching Jessie's soft tone.

Jessie let out a soft, "fuck," as he grinded back down into the male, his ass sliding perfectly against Alex's now rising cock. "I," he paused, which made Alex grind up into him again.

This caused the male above him to lose balance and fall forward, both his hands landing on either side of Alex's head, their faces close together.

When their eyes met, Jessie whispered slowly, "I want you to fuck me."

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