Chapter Forty: Lucians followers

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"I can't imagine what is must've been like for someone to take away your identity, did you only just start going by Lilith when you got with Mr. Ares?" The air was already thick from what she called 'warm up' questions, really it felt like she had ripped my flesh off and stuck me under a microscope.

The urge to rip out her jugular has crossed my mind more than once.

"It just happened." I shrugged, I was already over spewing my life's horrors to another person. But I promised Ares I would try, Aleksei was having his own session down the hall and I hoped he was doing much better than I.

"Is it maybe with Ares you don't want to be Sin? She is a persona given to you against you will, there's nothing wrong with letting go of that part of you. Ares may have been the first you've given that privilege but that can also be just the beginning for you Lilith. How does it feel to have your son back after so long? I'm sure it can't be easy." Her pen finally stops moving and I can't help but smile at the mention of Aleksei.

"He still has nightmares but he's adjusted amazingly to Ares and his home. I've always felt connected to Aleksei, even all those years apart. I love him and the fact he was able to remember me made me feel complete in a way." I admit, knowing if I don't cough up something she won't let this go.

"You say Aleksei is about to turn three?" I nod, confused. "Most children don't remember anything from infancy, is there a possibility Lucian may have been telling your son about you?" Her words send a rush of lava hot anger through me, his name sending a wave of nausea over me.
"I don't mean to upse-"
"Stop, I only agreed to this because you said you wouldn't say his name." I spit, standing and she follows, her clip board falling to her chair behind her.

"Lilith, I know it can be tough to admit sometime our abusers aren't all bad."
I feel like I'm going to throw up, what is this? What is she talking about?

"I said stop." My feet are heading towards the door but my mind is spiraling. Ares said she was the best in this type of thing-, my thoughts rear as a cold hand is rested on my shoulder.

"Lilith, I truly mean no harm. It's just Lucian had a lot of followers who spoke highly of him- who followed him willingly. My father was sick with leukemia and Lucian paid the tab, I don't harbor an ill feelings toward you for killing him but truly, was it justified?" I couldn't even react, my stomach rolling unsteadily and I'm pretty such I was swaying on my feet.

"W-wha-?" The word barely left my mouth before the door knob I had a grip on twist under my hand, yanking opening the revealing a fuming Apollo.

"You stupid bitch." I'm forced to step aside as he snatched her arm still connected to my shoulder. She whimpers under his grip and glare, then, like a thunder flowing lightning, Ares dark, angry energy fills the space in the room as his warm back presses up against me.

Large hands grip me in place by my hips, my heart stutters in my chest at the warms his touch brings me and the peaceful feeling that follows when I smell his cologne. Ares holding me was all the therapy I needed as far as I'm concerned.

"Tsk, everyday we seem to stumble upon more and more followers of that demon. I don't give a damn what happened to your father or what good you think that man has done for your family. He tried to destroy mine and for that he will never be forgiven, My woman came here for help not a persuasive conversation." The air was thick with tension as the color drained from her face, and it's only know I realize I can't remember her name.

'Oh well,' I thought, 'She will be dead before I leave the building anyways.' As cold as it sounded, that's who we were, I was Ares scorned woman and he was a man willing To kill anyone who poked at my wounds. Call me crazy but I could feel my love for him grow at the revelation.

"Can we get Aleksei now?" I turn, staring up into glinting blue eyes. They soften as he stares down at me, large hand to cup my face as he smiles gently, he's been doing that a lot more too. Smiling.

"He's already waiting for you in the Lobby with Claudia. You go, Apollo and I will handle this."

I pause on my way out, turning back to the woman who was still shaking in Apollo grasp.

"Lucian may have paid your fathers medical bills, but his money came from girls forced to endure sex work, and other sick things he indulged in. So every breathe your father takes, he can thank a girl forced to do vile things for every penny of those medical bills." And with that I leave, catching a look of pride on Ares face on my way out.

"Mama!" Aleksei has been the true definition of a ray of sunshine in the dark mood I've been felling lately. If anything I should follow his example, despite his nightmares Aleksei lives everyday grateful, learning about the things he missed out on and not sulking what had been a horrible start to a life. I wasn't sure if he didn't remember or if he chose not to acknowledge it. But he definitely had this life thing more figured out than I.

"Hello baby boy. How was it?" Claudia smiles down at Aleksei with pure adoration making me smile at the love he receives.

"It was okay, but do we have to come back?" I frown, worried what his therapist said if mine was a follower of Lucian.

"How come? Did you not like it?" He squirms under my gaze and I crouch to his level, tilting his head back up to make him look at me. "You can always tell me or your pa the truth on how you feel about something, we won't punish you and you won't ever get in trouble for not doing something you don't want to, you understand?" He nods softly.

"I-I just don't like talking about him, I don't want to think about it. Things are better now and if we keep talking about the past we'll miss what's happening now." He speaks softly, I swallow thickly, the emotions flooding through me like a river.

"You're absolutely right, Leksei. No, we don't have to come back. " I lean in like I'm telling him a hug secret. "I don't really like therapy either." Claudia snorts as Aleksei giggles wildly causing another grin to break out on my face.

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