Chapter 42

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I raised my heavy eyelids half way and struggled to sit up in the bed. The room swirled before becoming stationary again.

God, I feel like I got hit by a truck...

When I finally recognized where I was, my heart started to pound erratically in my chest, adding to the waves of nausea I was feeling.

What the hell am I doing in Rindou's apartment?
The last thing I remember is going to a strip club with Mikey and Sanzu...

I lifted the duvet to check if I was still wearing my dress but quickly realized my bra and panties were the only pieces of cloth covering my body. I whined and buried my face in my hands.

Did something happen between me and Rindou? 

And why can't I remember anything from last night?

'Nothing happened.'

Any thought I was battling was erased as I looked up at Rindou. He was leaning against the doorframe, wearing nothing but a white towel low around his hips. His hair and body were still wet from the shower. The sight of his perfect abs that were glistening in the sun brought a blush to my cheeks but I tried to act unbothered by him when he sat next to me on the bed.

'You threw up on your clothes so I had to put them in the washing machine.' He continued, answering each of my unspoken question as if he was able to read my thoughts. 

'Take this.' He handed me a water bottle and an aspirin. I gave him a grateful smile.

'Thank you.'

That same feeling of security crawled through me every time Rindou crossed my path, which is probably why being in his room wasn't uncomfortable.

'So, are you gonna tell me what you were doing in a strip club with Sanzu? I thought you hated him.'

'I do hate him.'

'Didn't look like it yesterday.'

'What do you mean?'

'You were sitting on his lap when I arrived.'

'What?!' I had absolutetly no recollection of that. An even more mortifying thought crossed my mind and my face scrunched up from worry. 'Did something happen between me and Sanzu?'

'No. He knows I would kill him if he tried anything.'

I heaved a sigh of relief at his answer.

'Are you gonna tell me what happened?' This one question from Rindou was all it took to remember the reason why I had decided to go out with Mikey and Sanzu. 


My last sizzle of hope was destroyed when I realized that it wasn't a nightmare after all: Ran really broke up with me yesterday.

I told him I didn't want to break up with him, I told him I loved him and that he made me happy...
Guess it still wasn't enough.

'Ran and I broke up.'

I'm not sure what kind of reaction I expected from Rindou, but I definitely did not expect to see the beginning of a smile tug at his lips.

'Are you seriously smiling right now?'

'No, I'm not.'


He easily dodged the pillow I threw at him and chuckled. 'Go take a shower and then come to the kitchen, I'll make breakfast.'

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