Chapter 41

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By the time I stepped out of the elevator and into the lobby of Ran's apartment building, my face was wet with tears. I was making a b-line for the exit when a familiar voice called my name.


My attention was caught by Mikey who had just interrupted the conversation he was having with Sanzu to walk up to me. The two of them were probably coming back from Rindou's apartment. 

'What's wrong?' He asked me, cupping my cheek and brushing the hair away from my face. 

I tried to smile at him but didn't quite manage it. 'Ran broke up with me.'

He raised his eyebrows in surprise at my revelation.

'But I'm okay.' I quickly added as to not worry him.

'I think I just need to go home and-'

'Let me guess how you're gonna spend your night.' My eyes slid to Sanzu who had just interrupted me. He approached us and went to stand next to Mikey, his hands buried in the pockets of his striped suit pants. 'You're gonna mope around your apartment and eat ice cream while watching a cheesy romance movie?'

His condescending tone got on my nerves.

'I'd rather do that than take cocaine and shoot people as a way to cope.' I snapped back.

'Touché.' He replied, a smirk slowly spreading across his lips.

'Look, you're the last person I want to see right now so just leave me alone.' I tried to walk away but Sanzu grabbed my arm to stop me.


'What do you want?'

'You should go out with us.'

I scoffed at his suggestion. 'No thanks.'

'I hate to admit it but he's not wrong.' Mikey started, making me look at him. 'Going out could take your mind off things. Plus, I'll be there too so I'll keep an eye on you.'

I knew that as soon as I would be alone in my apartment, all my memories of Ran would mercilessly surge back into my mind and I just wasn't ready. I really, really wasn't. Ultimately, my fear of having to face my emotions was even greater than my fear of having to spend time with Sanzu.

'Okay, I'll go out with you.'


Mikey dropped me off at my apartment so I could change before going out. I walked out of my building 20 minutes later, wearing a short red dress with thin straps and a pair of high heels. Mikey and Sanzu were waiting for me outside, leaning their backs against Mikey's sports car. They were both smoking and looked up at me as I approached. Their eyes slowly traveled over my body, lingering on each of my curves as if they wanted them to be seared into their brains.

'You look great.' Mikey complimented me before throwing his cigarette on the ground.

'Thank you, Mikey.'

The three of us then got into the car; Mikey and Sanzu sat in the driver and passenger seat while I sat in the back.

I was absentmindedly watching the streets of Tokyo we were driving past when I sensed a gaze on me. Looking up to the rearview mirror of the car, my eyes met Sanzu's. I couldn't see the bottom of his face but it wasn't hard to imagine his signature smirk on his lips.

We stopped in front of a building in Roppongi 10 minutes later. My mouth hung slightly opened as I read the neon sign above the entrance.

' "Seventh heaven"? Is this a strip club?' I asked Mikey.

'Yeah. That's where we usually go but we can go somewhere else if it makes you uncomfortable.'

'No, it's okay.'

I had actually never set foot in a strip club before but this one looked decent from the outside. Mikey walked in first, Sanzu and I following in tow. I stiffened when I felt the lightest brush of Sanzu's hand against the small of my back, but the touch was so brief that I thought I might have imagined it.

The interior of the strip club was just as I had expected; the dark and smokey room was filled with velvet sofas and several poles beautiful women dressed in bikinis were dancing on. Mikey, Sanzu and I sat down on a large sofa in a corner of the room and ordered drinks. 20 minutes and a few too many shots later, I was already drunk.

I was wondering what was the right way to give money to the dancer in front of us when Mikey walked out of the club to go smoke a cigarette outside, leaving me alone with Sanzu. I turned to looked at the pink-haired man, expecting to find him admiring the dancer. But he wasn't. He was busy studying my face, a gleam of amusement in his blue eyes.

'You've never been in a strip club before, have you?' He asked me.

'No, never.'

'Let me show you how it's done, then.' He said, pulling out a stack of bills from the pocket of his vest and leaning back on the sofa. He spread his legs as he threw the money on the stripper who winked at him as a way to say 'thank you'. 

Sanzu's blue eyes then slid back to me. 'Come here.' He beckoned me with his index finger and I hesitantly scooted closer to him. 

My heartbeat picked up a pace when he lifted me up by my hips to make me sit on his lap. He wrapped one arm around my waist and pressed me flush against him as if he was scared I would try to stand back up. Taking my right hand in his, he made me hold an other stack of bills with him before throwing it on the dancer. 

His breath tickled my ear as he whispered. 'That's right, just like that.'

I looked at him over my shoulder. Once again, I had expected him to be watching the stripper in front of us but he was staring at me.

The pink scars on each corner of his mouth drew my gaze. Without thinking, I gently grazed them with the tip of my finger. 'I like them.'

His eyes slightly widened before he shifted his gaze away from me. 

'Yeah, right.' He answered, clearly thinking I was just messing with him.

'I do.' I insisted. 'If I didn't hate you as much as I do, I would even tell you that I've always thought they were kind of cute.'

His breath exhaled on a laugh as he looked back into my eyes. 'You just said it, tho.'

'Oh, yeah. I guess I did...'

I was getting dizzier by the second and almost fell off his lap at that moment but Sanzu caught me in time and pulled me back against him. 'Careful there, love.'

My heart sank at the affectionate pet name but I was too intoxicated to really understand why.

'You're drunk.'

The fact that I was struggling to keep my eyes open bore proof of Sanzu's statement.

'Let's get you home.'

I weakly nodded in agreement. But before we could stand up, someone stormed in the strip club and quickly strode through the room to get to me and Sanzu. A familiar pair of lavender eyes is the last thing I saw before passing out.

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