Chapter 36

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Author note : I just wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone who's been supporting this story so far, I appreciate every vote and comment♡ 

Now back to the story⤵

For the first time since I had started going to university again, I was walking home alone at night. My study session at the library had finished later than expected and it was already dark outside. Ran usually sent a car for me whenever Mikey couldn't walk me home but I didn't want to depend on him all the time. So instead of calling him, I gathered my courage and clung onto my small bottle of pepper spray as I walked through a particularly dark street. When I felt someone place a hand on my shoulder, I didn't hesitate before turning around and spraying the disarming mist directly in my attacker's eyes. But my heart skipped a beat when I recognized the man in front of me.


My classmate stumbled backwards and tried to wipe the spray away from his eyes with the sleeves of his shirt.

'Oh my god, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?' I asked, running up to Daiki who tried to reassure me despite the fact that tears were now abundantly spilling from his red eyes.

'I'm fine.'

'Wait, let me help you.' I offered before putting the pepper spray back in my bag and looking for a tissue. I gently cupped Daiki's cheek to start cleaning his face but he suddenly grabbed my wrist with a bruising intensity. 'Daiki, it hurts.' I tried to escape his hold on my wrist but his grip only tightened in response.

'You're making it really hard for me to do what I have to do.'

His words made no sense to me but my instinct was suddenly telling me to run away. Daiki pinned me against the wall before I could act on my intuition.

'I have to do this or else he's going to hurt my family.' He said, pulling a knife out of his pocket with a trembling hand.

'I'm so sorry, Y/N. I'm so, so sorry.' He kept repeating as he pressed the tip of his knife against my throat.

The only thing I could think as my life flashed before my eyes was that I wished I could have properly said goodbye to three people.


The loud gunshot that resonated through the dark street was followed by a complete silence. Nothing happened and no one moved for a few endless seconds. The only proof that time wasn't frozen was the blood quickly seeping through Daiki's white sweatshirt. My classmate collapsed to the ground, a pool of blood forming underneath his body.

My eyes slowly slid to the shooter who was standing to my right. The barrel of the gun he was holding was still smoking.



I was sitting on the sidewalk when Rindou came back from the convenience store on the other side of the street.


I took the water bottle he was handing me and drank until the taste of my own vomit went away. Despite having thrown up three times already, I still felt nauseous ; Almost getting killed by someone you considered a friend before witnessing him get shot was traumatizing to say the least.

'You're in shock.' Rindou stated the obvious. 'You should go home, take a bath and eat something.'

He was standing next to me, his hands nonchalantly buried in the pockets of his pants. His detached demeanor was almost more chilling than the crime he had just committed.

'How can you be so calm after killing my friend.'

'Your friend, huh?' Rindou scoffed. 'Do all of your ''friends'' usually try to kill you in an alleyway?'

His sarcastic comment wasn't lost on me. I gave him a glare before trying to stand up. I had to hold onto a parked car when my knees buckled. Rindou instinctively took a step towards me but stopped himself before touching me.

Daiki's words rang in my head. ''I have to do this or else he's going to hurt my family.'' Who was he talking about?

'He was forced to do this by someone.'


Rindou's indifference was infuriating.

'So you shouldn't have shot him!' I snapped. 

A few seconds of heavy silence passed as we stared at each other. 

Rindou's gaze wasn't as warm as I remembered. And yet, I still couldn't help but think that his eyes were ones of the most beautiful I had ever seen. I wished the two of us wouldn't have met again in those circumstances after not having seen each other for a whole month. Especially after the way things had so abruptly ended between us.

'Don't you even regret what you did a little bit?'

'I do.' The slight sense of relief I experienced at his answer quickly vanished when a smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. 'I should have cut both of his hands before shooting him. That's what he deserved for trying to hurt you.'

This wasn't the Rindou I had fallen in love with and I couldn't stand the thought of being the reason he had become this cold-hearted. I started to walk away but he caught my wrist to stop me. His touch sent a shock of electricity through my entire body. I knew he had felt it too because he quickly dropped my hand and took a step back.

'You can't go home alone.' He pulled his phone out of his pocket and started dialing a number.

'What are you doing?'

'I'm calling Ran.'

'Please don't, Rin.'

His eyes slightly widened at the use of his nickname as if he wasn't expecting to ever hear it come out of my mouth again. He looked back up at me as I continued. 'He'll never let me do anything on my own again if he hears what happened.'

Convincing Ran that I didn't need a bodyguard whenever I left my apartment had already been hard enough. So if he ever got wind of what happened tonight, he probably wouldn't even let me go back to my classes again.

'You shouldn't be alone as long as we don't know who asked him to do this to you. Whoever it is, he will keep sending other people to kill you until the job is done.'

His words caused a chill shiver to run down my spine. Partially because of the potential danger I was in and partially because of how natural it was for Rindou to know how these things usually worked. 

He started typing on his phone again. 'If you don't want me to call Ran, I'll call Mikey-'

'No, don't bother Mikey with this. He already has enough things to worry about...'

Rindou seemed to hesitate before finally putting his phone back in his pocket. 

We didn't need words to communicate the conclusion we came to at the same time. Our eyes spoke volumes for us.

It's him and me again. Just like in the beginning.

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