Chapter 37

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I was still too shaken after what happened to say anything to Rindou while he walked me to my apartment. He stared at me for a few seconds when we arrived in front of my building as if he expected me to invite him in. But something told me it wouldn't be a good idea.

'I'll be watching over you from now on.' He told me, raising his hand as if he wanted to cup my cheek. But then he stopped myself and slowly lowered his arm again. 

'How did you know where to find me?' I finally asked Rindou the question that had been lingering in my mind since he had saved me. How he had managed to be in the right place at the right time was still a mystery to me.

'Does it matter?' Rindou replied, shrugging his shoulders.

Once again, his demeanor was way too nonchalant for the situation we were in and it was starting to get on my nerves.

'I guess not.' I bitterly muttered under my breath before opening the door of my apartment building. But Rindou reached an arm around me to slam it back shut. 

His breath was fanning out across my nape, his body heat metling into mine.

'How do you think I felt when you left without even giving me a chance to explain myself?'

A pang of guilt hit me at each of his words. 


'No, you're gonna listen to me this time.' He interrupted me and placed his palm over my hand as if he was scared I would try to open the door again. 'Just so it's clear once and for all, Gina kissed me. Not the opposite. But you... you started dating my own brother. So tell me, Y/N-' I couldn't tear my eyes away from his reflection in the glassdoor as he bent his head, his soft lips brushing my ear. 'Who do you think hurt the other more?'

That was the last thing he said before walking away.


I couldn't stop thinking about Rindou while I was getting ready to go to my morning class.

''Gina kissed me. Not the opposite.'' 

Is it true? 

I had just put on my shoes when there was a knock at my door. I fixed my hair as I went to open it. My eyes widened in surprise upon seeing that Ran was the one standing behind it.

'Ran? I thought you couldn't come this morning-'

My sentence was cut short when he bent down to crash his lips against mine.

'I couldn't wait until tonight to see you.' He muttered into the kiss, kicking the door shut behind him. 

I tangled my hands in his soft hair and met his tongue with my own. A satisfied sigh slipped past his lips as we broke the kiss.

'Happy one month anniversary, baby.'

The flicker of surprise that crossed my face was impossible to hide from Ran whose brows slightly furrowed. 'You didn't forget, did you?'

Between everything that happened with Daiki and Rindou last night, I had completely forgotten about this important relationship milestone for me and Ran.

'No, of course I didn't.'

Ran could clearly see right through my lie. But instead of getting angry, a smirk spread across his lips. 'Telling lies, L/N?'

The way he whispered my last name as his hand slid over my hips brought a blush to my cheeks.

'Guess I'll just have to punish you tonight.'

I can't wait...


I was so surprised to see Rindou standing at the entrance of my university that I stopped in my tracks despite the fact that I was already running late for class. He was leaning his back against the wall, his gaze settled on his phone and completely ignoring the girls staring at him. He might have fit in with the other students with the simple black turtleneck he was wearing if he hadn't paired it with his rolex and expensive sneakers.

He looked up at me as I approached him, his lavender eyes slowly running up and down my body.

'When you said you'd be watching over me, I didn't think it meant you would be coming to my classes with me.'

'Good morning to you too, Y/N.'

I rolled my eyes at his sarcastic reply.

'I know you sometimes skip breakfast when you're late so take this.' He said, handing me a small white paper bag.

Rindou intently watched my reaction as I took a look at what was inside : there were two croissants and a cinnamon roll from one of the most famous bakeries in Tokyo. I couldn't hide the beginning of the genuine smile tugging at my lips. 

'Thank you, Rindou.'

The two of us then walked inside of the university building together, heading to the auditorium my morning class took place in. There weren't many seats left because we were already late but a friend of mine, Anna, waved her hand to grab my attention. I walked up the steps and took the seat she had saved for me while Rindou took a seat a meter away from mine.

'Hey! Thanks for keeping me a seat.'

Anna returned the smile I gave her. 'No problem. You look so pretty today!'

'Oh, thank you.'

She then leaned in closer to me as if she was about to tell me a secret. 'Who's the guy you walked in with?' She asked me, her eyes sparkling with interest as they slid to Rindou.

'I don't know.' I lied.

'He's so hot.'

I felt a brief flash of jealousy when her lips curled into a dreamy smile. My phone vibrated at that moment, diverting my attention. I pulled it out of my pocket to read the new text.

From Rindou - Your friend is right

How did he even get my number? And why was he listening in on my conversation with Anna?

From me - Right about what?

Sneaking a quick glance at Rindou, I noticed the smug smirk on his face as he typed a reply.

From Rindou - She's right about the fact that I'm hot

I rolled my eyes and was about to put my phone back in my pocket when I got a second text.

From Rindou - And that you look beautiful

My heartbeat quickened. The blush creeping up my neck only deepened when I looked back up at Rindou, catching him already staring at me.

Yeah... I think focusing in class is going to be hard today.

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