Why are you following me anyways? Don't you have any better things to do?

Ouch! Am hurt! Tylor falls into the ground while holding his heart like the drama queen he is!

But when he saw that she is reactionless, he get up slowly and lead her into the woods with his hand around her shoulder.

You know I miss those days when I was your super hero.. to whom you runs first when you have a problem.. your rock and backbone! But you don't need me anymore.. Tylor whined with a pout.

And I miss those days when my brother have enough time to hangout with me..she replied with the same tone he used..

He pulled her closely towards him. Lavender knows that she had got him! It's his worst nightmare, being not there for her when she needs him the most, don't forgot about her first shift that he missed which he yet have to make up for.

Am sorry kiddo... being beta is not as easy as I thought.. I promise to take you out at the weekend.. happy?

She managed a nod..

It will be bearable If don't have to do the paperworks of Aiden..


What about him?
She cleared her voice before questioning to ignore the limp formed on her throat...
She is avoiding him for a week now..
They never faced eachother after the full moon.

I don't know! He is acting really strange..
I knew for a fact that it is not because of the newly attained powers.. there is something else. He is constantly trying to gain the attention of the Oracle Miranda you know! But grandma is tensed whenever he go near them.

Tylor answered with a frown.

Strange indeed...

What the hell is happening on their pack?



The freshness in the air helps to calm her rising mind as she inhaled it slowly. She needed this!

Why you love this place so much Lave?

I know the air is fresh, waterfall is beautiful, river is calming, and mountains are attractive... but nobody else had this magnetic pull towards this place like you have..

Lavender thought for a moment about it as they move forward to sat under the big oak tree.

Why she loves it here?

Lavender watched the sun arising beautifully spreading a orange shade to the sky lighting the whole scenery.

Suddenly out of nowhere an open letter flew into her hands which covered in some kind of magical springles..

A letter?

It literally runs into her hands from the flowing river surprisingly without getting soaked.

As she observe it thoughtfully, the letter opened itself for her to read the inside matter..

It states,

Oh my darling,
I have finally found you!
In between the years of prayers and sacrifices to the moon we almost loss the hope of ever finding you!
Thank goodness!
Our coven had been waiting for your arrival from the moment we heared about you...
And I am coming to get you my dear Hybrid!
Nobody can take you away from me this time...

What the hell?!!

Is it a friendly letter?
Is someone threatening her?

Before she can re-read it the letter burned into ashes with a black fire.


Wait... she knows about it.. Felicia had mentioned it once..

Listen carefully Lavender, the white witches commonly use a blue fire for their practice which is considered as pure for burning something but contraty to them the black witches use black fire which is demonic but powerfull to cross any strong spells.

A Black Witch!

Her whole body trembled with an unknown fear..

Who is coming for her?

Lave.. care to explain what just happened?

And who the hell is a hybrid?



To be continued...

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