xli. burning bridges

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( episode two: the heist )


Of course, even after finding the gun and almost drowning to death, all Arden had wanted was some sort of silver lining. She wanted some sort of action to be taken  but of course any hopes she had dashed by the realisation that they had to go visit their new Sheriff. So with heavy hearts, they wrapped up the gun in case there were somehow still fingerprints on it, and walked the four blocks it took them to get to Kildare County's Sheriff Department. They must've looked like a hot mess; six teenagers smelling like shit and drenched to the bone, but none of them could bring themselves to care with what they knew was coming.

It took everything within Arden Kim to keep calm and try to remain hopeful. They had some sort of evidence, Shoupe had to believe them!

But something about the look on his face when he saw them come in, when JJ proudly unveiled the gun on the desk and stepped back, just told Arden all of this was for naught. Her and Kie had almost died for this, and yet he looked at them like they were time-wasters, Outer Banks' very own boy who cried wolf.

"So, y'all are telling me this is the firearm that Rafe Cameron killed Peterkin with?"

"That's exactly what we're telling you, Shoupe," JJ nodded.

"And the exact same firearm that Ward just used to kill Gavin," Pope added.

Shoupe sighed to himself. "And where's that corpse again, hm?"

"Didn't you look?" Kie frowned, trying her best to keep her temper at bay. The last thing they needed right now was going off at Shoupe.

"I checked the hospital. I went by his house. He was out."

"He was out?" Arden repeated with an incredulous laugh. "Shoupe, come on now—"

"Yeah, no shit he was out, he's dead," JJ added with a scoff.

"Shoupe, listen to yourself," Kie sighed. "It makes perfect sense—"

But Shoupe, as usual, wasn't having it. "Just because he's not in his damn home does not mean he was a victim of a homicide."

"Shoupe, please, you don't understand—" Haven cut herself off, probably realising how futile it was to keep this up.

Who was Arden kidding, Shoupe would never believe them.

"Are you at least going to send it in for ballistics and shit?" Kie asked when the rest of the group didn't. "Or are you just gonna sit on your ass?"

"Hey, listen now," he began, but was interrupted by JJ scoffing and slamming his hands on the desk. Both Arden and Haven reached forward on instinct to pull him back, but JJ simply pushed them away gently, hard eyes locked with Shoupe's impassive stare.

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