vii. stopper, stopper!

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CHAPTER SEVEN: STOPPER, STOPPER! ( episode three: the forbidden zone )

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( episode three: the forbidden zone )


"I didn't mean to stand on your toes!" John B hissed at the over dramatic teen who was sitting on the chair she been previously vacating, rubbing her right foot.

"You still did it!" Arden hissed as Kiara shook her head in amusement. "For all you know I could have a broken toe!" John B sighed to himself, resisting the urge to throttle Arden Kim as she glared up at him.

John B huffed, dramatically falling to his knees in front of Arden, moving his hands into a pleading motion. "I'm so sorry oh great one, please accept my sincerest apologies!"

Arden crossed her arms, tutting in contemplation. "I suppose I must forgive you oh stupid one!" John B rolled his eyes as Arden leapt to her feet, following after the others to the van, John B at her side.

"Are you staying tonight again Ard?" John B questioned as he hopped into the drivers seat. Arden shrugged, opening her mouth to say yes—— that was until she saw the silhouette of Sarah Cameron staring at her from about a three hundred metre distance.

"I—— I need to go, I'll see you guys tomorrow," Arden muttered, taking off as fast as she could towards Sarah who continued to walk towards Arden. Once Arden reached Sarah she squealed in surprise as Sarah threw her arms around her mid-section.

"Hey," Sarah began in a soft voice, leaning her head into her best friends shoulder. Arden began to lead them away, smiling up at Sarah. "Hey."

"We're you busy ... with them?" Sarah questioned weakly, her head titling back the pogues van which has just began to fade into the night.

"I was with them today yes, but now I'm with you," Arden answered, squeezing Sarah's hand in silent support.

Sarah sighed, her gaze dead ahead as Arden couldn't help but wonder what the fuck happened. "Ardie, why am I such an idiot?"

"Uh ... Saz that's a very broad statement for me to work with," Arden commented in a teasing tone. Sarah smiled weakly at Arden as they continued the walk to Tannyhill.

"Did you go to that party?" Arden asked and in response Sarah nodded. "Something happen?"

"Yeah, it's .... more what didn't happen," Sarah explained. Arden's eyebrows furrowed at the comment. She looked up at Sarah, gesturing for her to continue.

"I'm listening." Arden commented which seemed to be the trigger for Sarah to spill everything.

Sarah sighed again, abruptly stopping in the middle of the road much to Arden's annoyance. She didn't particularly want to spend a second longer walking if necessary. She wanted to kick back and get a goods sleep ... but Sarah needed to come first.

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