xii. up in flames

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CHAPTER TWELVE: UPIN FLAMES ( episode five: midsummers )

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

( episode five: midsummers )


Arden kept her stare perfectly blank as she tried not to yawn in boredom. Oh how she hated this event. All Arden wanted to do was find the girls and find a way to make this Midsummer's event not so .... mundane and boring. She'd spent the night happily cocooned inside the resort, smiling politely at anyone who dared to look at her when they passed. No one couldn't say she wasn't being polite. The event like every other year; probably worse this year with the eyes carefully lingering on the not-so-discreet 19 week old baby lying in Arden's uterus.

It also didn't help that Arden couldn't get stone cold drunk anymore.

Arden had always been petite, both in terms of weight and height and it was only in the year before she got pregnant that Arden's body began to fill out from the bi-weekly workouts she did and the bi-weekly three miles run she pushed herself to complete. The moment little-bean wanted to themselves known it was game over. The first time Arden really noticed she was beginning to show, was two weeks after she told JJ the 'truth.'

Arden had been trying to button her shorts for over a half an hour, not understanding why her old clothes weren't fitting anymore. It took Sarah proudly declaring that she was beginning to show that Arden finally calmed down.

That was the day, Arden posed for over an hour in front of Sarah in exasperation to find the clothes that still fitted, hiding the little bloated bump Arden had.

That, that was the moment Arden felt most like herself in the two weeks since it became known that she was pregnant.

Sarah Cameron had ended up becoming Arden's 'life coach' as she affectionately dubbed it, berating her friend whenever Arden said something negative, forcing her to focus on the positive.

She figured enough time had passed for her to try and go off to find Sarah again. Arden had done her bit. Show off, smile politely and not cause a scandal. Her mother couldn't fault her for that.

As she walked away and began to cast a quick glance over everyone at the event, Arden's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she couldn't see Pope or Haven. She could see Kie from the corner of her eye, making conversation with her parents idly, bored out of her mind. Arden huffed, sighing disappointment at the fact she couldn't see JJ anywhere. It was idiotic of her to even think he'd show up here.

She forced herself to walk on, she just needed to get through tonight. If she got through tonight without any major issues her mother wouldn't even notice Arden not being around the house for a few days. Eun-Cha would be wrapped happily in her own world if she thought everyone was gossiping about the poise of her expecting daughter to one 'Rafe Cameron.'

Arden walked out through the hotel, towards the back, eyes narrowing as she spotted Topper and Sarah having a go at one another again. She huffed to herself in exasperation, stepping out, loudly banging the door.

Helium ➵ JJ MaybankTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang