xxxvi. easier said than done

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( episode one: the gold )


"Wait hold on! Why does she get to tickle?" JJ pouted, dropping his head onto Arden's shoulder as she spied Pope leaning over Kie's phone to dial Gavin's number.

It was night time, and so far, it took everything and anything within Arden Kim to not launch across the chair and personally attack Haven Murphy and Brec Buchanan. It was probably harsh to also place JJ on this list, but Christ was Arden sick of her boyfriend consistently sticking up for his cousin. Yes it was selfish. Arden could freely admit it. However, she couldn't help the frustration that was bubbling over every time JJ disagreed with her over Haven. Could he not see how Pope was hurting? Could he not see how Kie was tense at her appearance? Was he blind to the way Arden was barely in control of herself?

Quite frankly, it was annoying the fuck out of her.

Back to the present, Arden was interrupted from her thoughts as JJ harshly elbowed her in glee. It was an annoying habit he had picked up towards the end of her pregnancy. Arden had a habit of spacing out, 'thinking too deeply' as JJ declared it. He liked to force her back into the present by physically touching her. Depending on his mood, JJ ranged from pecks, to smacks and now elbowing her.

Just great.

It didn't a take a genius to work out Pope was being teased by JJ. Forcing a smile onto her lips, Arden muttered 'smooth' through fake, muffled laughter.

She had a role to keep up after all. Arden refused for the facade to fall now.

Kie, very stupidly, Arden might add, shot her a look before asking, "Should I do an accent?"

Kie knew Arden was one of the resident idiots of this group ... right?

"Oh, definitely disguise your voice." Arden replied, a genuine mischievous smirk fluttering onto her lips. She was excited to see what Kie would come up with.

She needed a good laugh. It was the only way Arden was able to keep her sanity these days.

"Disguise my voice how?" Kie questioned, her voice rising in pitch as she put on one of the worst British accents Arden ever heard and she lived with one JJ Maybank. "How would you like me to talk? Like this?"

"Not like that," Haven and JJ winced in unison. Then, to top it off, they turned to each other at the same time, Haven sighing to herself as JJ hurriedly smirked and exclaimed, "Jinx! You owe me weed!"

The conversation was momentarily paused as everyone looked at him in disbelief. "What?" he huffed to himself, frowning as Arden sighed and patted him on the shoulder like he was a confused puppy.

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