xiii. all falls down

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CHAPTER THIRTEEN: ALL FALLS DOWN ( episode five: midsummers )

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

( episode five: midsummers )


"JJ you need to calm down," Haven spoke up in a calm, firm voice. Whatever confidence she had quickly backed down when JJ shot her a dark look. Once he saw no one was going to speak up, he pointedly glared viciously back at Arden who was staring back at him, a blank stare on her face. It was as if she was preparing for the metaphorical punches to start rolling out.

"That kid. That kid is mine!" JJ cried out, hands rooting themselves into his blonde hair, almost like he wanted to rip it out. Kiara couldn't help but want to move in front of Arden who never once moved from the still position she had been rooted to.

John B and Pope shared a concern glance, with the boys slowly edging to each of the recipients of the fight, ready to intervene if they were needed.

"She told me that Rafe Cameron was the fucking father! " JJ cried out, the beginnings of tears shining through in his azure hues. "She lied to me!" He wailed, advancing towards Arden who didn't even flinch as he bore down on her.

Pope harshly stood forward, an arm curling around the girl. JJ scoffed in disbelief. "Are you actually being serious dude?" He growled out in frustration as Pope met JJ's stare full on. "Yes. Yes I am." Pope spoke up, only looking down in surprise as Arden finally moved.

The girl smiled weakly up at Pope, squeezing his arm as she shakily reached up to untie the locket around her neck. She moved forward, ignoring the harsh glare on JJ's face and the slight quiver in his frame as she neared him. It was almost like that he was terrified for her reaction. Despite his anger, despite the way his friends warily watched them, Arden held all the power in this moment.

Arden opened the locket up, dumping if I of JJ's hand, a fire in her eyes that he hadn't seen in a long time. "For once in my fucking life I decided to try and trust my mother." Arden spoke in a calm voice.

It wasn't enough for JJ who whirled around, hand tightly clenching around Arden's most prized piece of jewellery. "Don't you even try to use—"

"Don't you fucking dare interrupt me!" Arden snarled, her temper suddenly firing to life. "You want answers?" She spat, harshly pointing her index finger into his chest.

"Here's your answer! I did what I had to to protect our daughter!" She snarled.

That was the wrong choice of words as JJ viciously pulled away from Arden. He scoffed, shaking his head deliriously. "You think she needs to be protected from me?"

Arden only rose an eyebrow, finally snatching back the locket and the sonogram into her own hands. "If you think that's what I meant then you can go fuck yourself!" Arden practically screeched, Pope reaching forward to grip her waist so she couldn't do anything she would later regret.

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