vi. really lesbian lovers?

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CHAPTER SIX: REALLY LESBIAN LOVERS? ( episode three: the forbidden zone )

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

( episode three: the forbidden zone )


After they finally left the country club, it didn't take long for the pogues to explain what exactly Arden and Haven had missed out on. From what she was hearing, Arden couldn't help but feel glad she had deflected, dragging Haven along with her. The pogues ( really it was Pope who did all the work ) revealed that they had managed to find the location of the ship. According to the google maps, the boat was supposedly nine hundred feet down. Arden had only blinked in surprise wondering where the fuck did the idiots thing they would find a personal submarine. In the end, they followed JJ's idea to steal a drone from the Salvage Yard where his dad used to work. Arden wasn't shrouded when it was only Pope was protested to the idea. Normally Arden would have been similar to Pope, erring oh the side of caution. But now? Now Arden had a bun in the oven who needed to be her first priority and she needed the fucking money.

"Pope, we're not stealing the drone," John B sighed in frustration after he heard him voice his disapproval for the fourth time since they'd gotten into the van. "We're borrowing it."

Pope just rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. "Humans are the only animal who can't tell fantasy from reality."

"Wait, did you come up with that?" John B frowned at the same time as Arden smirked. Pope really did just manage to provide her with the best opportunities to tease him. "Animals, huh? I didn't take you as a freak in the sheets, Po-Po."

"Sometimes, I wonder just what's happening in that head of yours when you talk," Pope hissed, shooting her a disgusted glare, huffing to himself . Arden giggled in response as Pope shot her one last glance before replying to John B, "And no, Albert Bernstein came up with that, but it applies to this whole treasure-hunting thing."


"So, which is it?" he prompted when everyone just sat there in awkward silence. "Fantasy or reality?"

At his question, Arden scrunched up her nose and muttered under her breath about 'too much brain-power.' That was way too much thinking for this early in the day. JJ seemed to share the same thoughts as he just scoffed, refusing to look away from the blunt he was fixing up, "Why are you so weird, Pope?"

"I actually think it's an interesting question," Haven piped up in agreement.

"Of course you do," Arden smirked at her, but as usual she went on ignored.

"It's fantasy, but possible reality."

Of course John B disagreed with them all, proudly declaring, "Reality."

"Yeah," JJ chuckled almost deliriously. His words were muffled by the blunt now hanging from his lips, the lighter flickering between his fingers. "Virtual reality."

Helium ➵ JJ Maybankजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें