xxvii. high hopes

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( episode nine: the belltower )


Before any sort of bang could crash into her body, Arden Kim was slammed onto the ground, the bullets rippling off the walls. Her heart felt as if was going to implode; Arden well and truly didn't think her day could get any worse. She'd seen the sheriff shot before her very eyes, she'd learnt her father was killed by her mother. The cherry on top? Said fucking mother actually tried to kill Arden all because she wanted to get away from the crazy mother. 

The panic wasn't subsiding. All Arden could feel was a blinding pain shooting up her left arm from where she had landed. Of course it was her fucking broken arm that would cushion her fall. 

From beside her, Arden could feel the protective arms around her back as she was forced to remain close to the ground. The figure—— Liam Powers had finally stood, drawing his own gun, his focus never wavering as he kept his eyes on Eun-Cha Lee. 

The colour from her mother's face had drained as she came face to face with her ex husband's best friend. Liam Powers was a force to be reckoned with; Eun-Cha had barely managed to get rid of him the first time yet here he stood again, this time protecting his goddaughter instead of his best friend from her blows. 

Liam Powers had failed to protect his best friend. He would not allow the same fate to befall his daughter. 

"Arden," Liam called, startling the girl from her thoughts. She glanced up fearfully, the smile on Liam's face was not enough to reassure her. 

"Go upstairs. Pack a bag of essentials. We'll be back to collect the rest of your stuff later in the week." Liam commanded, forcing Arden into overdrive. 

She needed to get the fuck out of here. 

Following Liam's orders was easier said than done. On the way up to her room, Arden could barely keep her hands from shaking as she stuffed a bag full of clothes. She needed to find JJ. Arden was terrified of what was to come. Yes, Arden knew her future had been rocky, but she never fucking accounted for how turbulent it could get. 

The sounds of approaching footsteps was what startled Arden out of her thoughts. Tensing, she was prepared to duck underneath her bed if it was her mother back to put a gun to her head. 

Thank fuck it was Liam. 

"Kid are you packed?" Liam's voice cried out from the entrance of her bedroom. 

"Almost!" Arden shouted in relief, throwing in a photo of her father before bolting out the door to Liam. At the sight of her, he sighed in relief. "C'mon we got to go now."

As Liam led her out through the house that never quite felt like home, the last thing Arden Kim registered was the burning glare her mother shot at her back. 

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