(A/N: I wanted to reiterate that Yoongi and Rose have a platonic relationship. They have a very deep emotional bond but its not romantic. In some ways Rose is Yoongi's keeper. She makes him feel safe and protected.) 

 "I know its scary Yoongs, but I promise that I'm not going anywhere." She cooed.

"You don't know that, you could die tomorrow for all we know." The kitty began to softly cry. 

"So could you. Look, what I'm trying to say is that none of us know what tomorrow brings, we have to live life to the fullest so that we have no regrets. I don't regret meeting you and I can be happy knowing that I've spent even a small portion of my life with you. I would love more." Rose said, wiping Yoongi's eyes with the pad of her thumb. 

"Rose...Thanks." Yoongi smiled and rolled over to hug her tightly before leaving the room. 

Rose sighed and slipped into Taehyung's lap to comfort her tiger. 

"Baby why are you crying?" She left butterfly kisses all over his face to try and make him smile. 

"I don't like thinking that you could be dead." Tae pouted. 

"Do I feel dead?" She smirked at him and kissed his lips slowly.

"Rose..." Tae groaned; his morning voice arousing her. 

"No time for sex children! We have dance practice!" Jimin shouted as he ran into the room and picked up Rose, throwing her over his shoulder and running back out. 

Jungkook looked up as Jimin ran into the kitchen and banana milk sprayed from his nose. 

"Jimin! You can't carry her like that when she isn't wearing underwear!" JK screamed, running to cover her. 

"Whoops...My bad. But is it really a problem?" Jimin gave Kookie a smirk. 

"Yeah it is, cause it makes me want a taste and I really don't need her moaning in your ear Min." Gguk whispered. 

"Jeon Jeongguk don't you even think about it." Rose growled, wiggling out of Jimin's arms. 

Her shirt fell down to cover everything once more and she scowled at both boys before walking over to talk with Jin. 

"Why's she so feisty this morning? What did you do?" JK asked Jimin. 

"I cock blocked them cause we have to get going pretty soon to go to the studio." Jimin giggled. 

Taehyung came up behind him and thwacked his head as he went to Rose and kissed deeply.

"Guess they weren't finished." Jimin chuckled, rubbing the back of his head. 


Tae slipped his tongue into Rose's mouth as he kissed her and she moaned quietly. Jin left to go shower so they were the only ones in the kitchen. Jimin and JK were watching them from the living room. 

Suddenly Tae pushed Rose up on the counter and pulled his cock out from his sweats and slipped it inside her. 

She let out a gasp at the suddenness and grabbed onto his shoulders; not caring where they were. 

 "And now they're fucking...In the kitchen...Should I be watching this?" Jimin sounded a little worried. 

"Probably not...But I won't stop you." JK replied; his cheeks red. 

He walked closer to them and sat at the breakfast table with his hand in his pants. 

Tae slowly pumped himself in and out at a sensual pace as he gently bit Rose's shoulder. 

"Fuck, why am I already close?" Rose whimpered as she wound her fingers into his shaggy raven locks. 


He had walked back in because he forgot his coffee and saw what he didn't want to see. 

"Uh..." Tae awkwardly looked over his shoulder. 

"GET OUT! YOU FILTY RATS! GET OUT!" Jin screeched. 

Tae carried Rose back to the bedroom as she hid her face in his shoulder; JK followed. 

Jin walked up to Jimin who was watching the whole scene go down. 

"You seriously let them do that?" 

"I didn't let them do anything, I just watched." Jimin shrugged. 

Jin smacked his arm like an angry mother and stormed off to his room. 

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