Chapter Twenty

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Alan scrambles back with each step I take forward.

"Well, Dawn, I can't exactly let you into the gang just like that." He nervously says, I stop and tilt my head.

"Explain." I demand, he chuckles nervously.

"W-well, I'd have to have Jayden, I mean Boss! And his second and third in command agree, but they are all gone. Dagger and Ryker are on special missions, and well... you know Boss." Alan responds nervously. I stand tall, glaring at him.

"So, you're telling me, that after I killed Chase and escaped on my own and you asked me to join then, I could have because I was dating Jayden at the time. But now that we broke up, I can't just join even though I'm practically running this damn place!" I exclaim, my voice rising. He looks at me with wide eyes.

"No, no, no! That's not what I mean. You know what, you can join. Totally! We'll accept everything that happened and what you did to Chase as your initiation and all you have to do now if get the tattoo on your hip! Yep, and then I can start scheduling jobs for you and racing and whatever you want." Alan says nervously, I nod.

"Perfect. I want the tattoo today. Call the artist. Now." I order, walking out of there as he scrambles to grab his phone. I go to my personalized office, grabbing the metal bat I keep in there and kicking down Jay's office. I grab the all the files, all the keys, and anything else that I deem important, before going at it with the metal bat.

I destroy his office. Breaking his computers and laptop, knowing that I transferred all the files to mine beforehand. I smashed his desk to smithereens, laughing as I destroy his entire office. I see a few pictures of us on his desk, further proof he was lying to me that night when he said he never loved me. 

If he didn't, then why are there pictures of me and him in his office. Including ones from our vacation. I rip them to shreds, grabbing everything and carrying them down to the middle of the warehouse and dropping them on the cement floors. Everything I broke and ruined, now waited for me to light it on fire.

"Anyone have a lighter?" I ask, slowly one of the men approach and hand me his lighter. I flick it, watching as a flame appears. Then, I lit the pile on fire. It practically explodes in fire, and I watch as it burns to a crisp. "Thanks." I smile at the man, tossing him his lighter back.

A woman stalks in, a bag in her hands. "I've heard of a new recruit. It's been a long time since we got someone new around here, honey bunches. Who's the victim?" She calls, a grin on her face. I turn around with a smirk, standing tall.

"That would be me." I stand tall, casually flicking my hair behind my shoulder as she takes in the gigantic fire pile beside me as the men just gawk at me.

"Ah, I see. A breakup?" She asks, coming towards me and gently grabbing my hand and leading me towards the only room that I have never been in.

"Yep. The Boss here, actually. Told me some bullshit about him never loving me, you know that? I found pictures of us all over his office and I know he still has my number. I texted him once, he read it and responded with stop contacting me. And you know what's worse?" I reply as she closes the door behind us. I see a bed in the middle of the place, I'm not talking like a bed you sleep in, but more like the doctor office bed.

I shimmy out of pants as she gestures to the bed, I jump up and expose my hip to her.

"What's that darling?" She responds, her red hair flaming out from beneath her beanie. I laugh emotionlessly.

"The fact that he did this two weeks after taking a bullet for me, and when I honestly thought he'd die, his last words before he blacked out was 'I love you'. Then, we come home from the hospital and I made a huge night for just the two of us since he was going to come back from work and I thought maybe he'd be stressed. His favorite dinner was made, his favorite movie set up to be played, his favorite whiskey on the table, and it would just be us alone. Even my bodyguards helped me set the place up and take my siblings to their friends for the night." I scoffed.

"He's a fucking jackass. But, he said to keep the house. That all my expenses would be paid for. Like I was some slut that was being paid by the hour." I punched the bed beside me.

"I'm sorry that's happened to you." She says, wiping away at my hip and turning on the needle thing. I wince as she begins.

"So, tell me, did you love him?" She asks, gazing up at me quickly. I sigh, nodding.

"I still do. He's, my home. He was kind and would do anything in his power to keep me safe. He waited three months for me because I was kidnapped. He didn't give up hope and kept looking for me even when I was declared dead. He's been patient with me, I even asked him to be the father of my dead child that I miscarried! And he fucking said yes and helped me come up with a name for the baby. Tay Wynn Pierce." I smile sadly as I think about the baby.

"He paid for any and all medical bills, gave me three kinds of security detail that are still around me, and even told me that he'd wait by my side until I was comfortable to let him touch me. Even if it was only a hug or a kiss." I whisper, wincing from the pain radiating from my hip.

"And it was only because he knew how I felt. He wanted to make sure I was comfortable and felt safe and he knew my family couldn't afford all my medical bills and so he helped out despite me saying no." I finish, she flashes me a small smile.

"Sounds nice. A little toxic, but you can tell that you two were happy. And as long as no one's getting hurt or abused or taken advantage of, I think it's a good relationship. It's just the fact that it seems like you two were co-dependent on each other." She comments, I sigh and nod.

"I know, which is why I'm trying to move on. He told one of my bodyguards to tell me to move on. So, I am. I'm going to move on." I say, making my voice sound strong and dedicated to what I was saying. She stops, looking me in the eye.

"Darling, give him time. Maybe he never wanted to breakup?" She quirks an eyebrow at me, I furrow mine.

"What do you mean?" I tilt my head, pursing my lips in thought.

"You said that he always wants to protect you, made promises that he usually kept, and basically treated you like a queen, right? Plus, I've known him for years. He wouldn't just up and leave a woman that he loves. Not without good reason." She remarks, I go silent as I think over her words. She finishes up the tattoo, cleaning it and handing me a list of care instructions.

"Just think about it." She pats my shoulder, leaving the room. I pull on my pants, wincing as I do. I walk out of the room, seeing the gang waiting with grins on their faces and the whole place has been cleaned and they were waiting for me.

"Look, if you're a part of us now, we already have your first assignment. How are you at driving?" Alan smirks, I grin.

"Amazing, if I do say so myself." I respond sassily, they all laugh at my attitude.

"How would you like to race for money? It's a little dangerous, but I don't want to send you out on a killing mission or research mission or send you anywhere because you have your siblings to take care of." Alan warns, I shrug and hold my hand out.

"Get me the fastest car you have." I smirk, chuckling darkly as they do as I say. Today was officially the first day of trying to get over him. And mark my words, God, I will get over him. I will succeed. Even if it's the last thing I do. Even if I die trying. 

The Light of Dawn (Second book in His Light series)Where stories live. Discover now