Chapter Fifteen

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Dawn's POV

I shift slightly, feeling a warm hand gently trace my face and move my sweaty hair from my face. Wherever we were, it was humid. But it wasn't that bad, it actually felt nice.

"Love, we're here." A husky voice whispered softly. I slowly wake up to his gentle voice and warm hands. He presses a kiss to my forehead, "Sunshine. Come on, wakeup. We're here and I think you'd like to see the place before we head in." His voice turns slightly smug, but I just smile as my eyes flutter open. He crouches beside me, looking me in the eyes with a soft look. I lean up and kiss him softly, his lips sweet against mine. Smiling as we part, I stand up slowly and stretch with a loud yawn.

But my eyes catch onto a beautiful house, a smooth sandy beach leading to clear blue waters, and a moon high in the sky with galaxies of stars around. I gasp at the pure beauty, staring at the place in shock.

The house seemed like it was mostly windows, all facing the beautiful pale sandy beach. The house had lights on, illuminating what looks like to be a gorgeous living room and kitchen. Both large and spacious, but it held character.

I grab his hand, pulling him towards the open door. "Sunshine, you really think I'm not going to carry you through the door like I'm supposed to?" He smirks, I furrow my eyebrows, but he hoists me up into his arms bridal style and steps through the doorway.

"What do you mean?" I ask, tilting my head slightly as I look up at him. He chuckles, looking down at me softly as he carries me into the kitchen. He already knows the place I was bolting for.

"I bought the place, our first vacation place. Well, it's not official yet but I know they'll agree to my more than generous offer!" He explains, smiling brightly at me. My jaw drops as I stare around the beautiful home. The kitchen was bright and airy, perfect for lots of baking, and was perfect for me. A double oven, lots of storage, and high counters like I've always wanted.

"You... you own this?" I squeak in shock, he chuckles.

"No, love. You own it, actually. It'll be under your name." Jay looks at me happily. I gawk at him.

"No way. Jayden, this is too much!" I gasp, he shakes his head with a soft smile.

"No, love. This isn't enough." He disagrees, gazing at me with a soft expression full of love.

"Jayden, you bought me a house. That's a lot! Especially since we're only dating!" I exclaim, he smirks and hovers over me.

"I'll get a ring on that finger soon enough." He grins when I go bright red. He chuckles, turning to Silver. "Shut the door, Silver." He orders, Silver woofs gently and runs off along the beautiful wooden floor to the door.

He kisses me gently, "I love you."

"I love you too."

He picks me up once again, carrying me around the house and flipping lights on as we go. Finally, we reach the master bedroom and I gasp at the beauty.

The huge bed with a silver comforter and dark blue pillows faced the sea, the wall only windows. Next to that wall, was a balcony with white billowy curtains. There was a wall separating the side of the bed and the wall that holds the balcony, it was made of different sizes and colors of stone but in the middle was a glass wrap around that held a fireplace. The wall colors were a pretty seafoam green and the floor was made of almost a white-silver wood.

"This is..." I trail off, at a loss for words. He sets me down, sliding his arms around my small frame.

"Want to go for a late-night swim?" He asks, kissing the side of my neck tenderly. I look up at him, a smile dancing on his lips. I smile, biting my bottom lip in nervous excitement.

The Light of Dawn (Second book in His Light series)Where stories live. Discover now