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One Month Later

Harriet was trying her best to make the least amount of noise as possible. Her figure was hunched as she tiptoed out of the sleeping shelter and into the area where the kitchen was. It was only 6am, the sun having not even risen yet, and the majority of people were still asleep.

She had been planning this for a month and she wanted it to be perfect. Swiftly, she swung her backpack off her back and placed it onto the wooden counter. Quietly, she unzipped it, revealing only a soft tartan blanket and a first aid kit.

"Fry is going to kill me," she muttered to herself, lifting the handle up on the breadbin. Glancing from left to right, she quickly grabbed the paper bag containing the leftovers from yesterday's breakfast; this included sandwiches, a few scones and a couple of biscuits.

Turning back round, she popped it into her bag before making her way open to the fridge. From there she got a few bottles of water and little box of fruit she decided she wanted in the spur of the moment. Placing the last few items of food into her bag, she zipped it up before slinging it back onto her shoulder.

Silently, she slipped out of the kitchen, the sole's of her walking boots tapping lightly against the floor with each step. She sharply, turned round the corner out of the building, skidding to a halt when she bumped into someone.

Her eyes widened as her jaw hung slightly. "O-Oh hey Minho!" she greeted, attempting to remain as cool as possible.

"Why are you up so early?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. His black hair was ruffled having just left his hammock and from the dark bags beneath his eyes, Harriet assumed he hadn't had a great sleep.

Harriet shrugged, "Just felt like it. What about you? You're usually asleep at this time."

Minho snorted, shaking his head. "Who said I even sleep?" he scoffed.

His response caused Harriet to narrow his eyes at the boy. "You really need to try and sort this out, Minho. Speak to one of the doctors or something to see if they have any sleeping medication. You can't live off of 2 hours of sleep a night for the rest of your life. If you don't do it I'll go and ask them for it myself."

"And if I don't take the medication?"

"I'll shove it down your throat with my bare hands," she stated nonchalantly.

Minho laughed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "You're just like Bea. Trying to 'mom' me all the time. Another reason why you must like each other so much."

"You must have secret meetings on how you're gonna force me to sleep," he joked but the black girl only rolled her eyes.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. So funny Minho," she droned. "Anyways, I've got to go so enjoy your morning." She straightened the strap on her rucksack as Minho grinned at her annoyance.

"You too," he spoke, "See you later." And with that he walked off down the corridor that Harriet had just come up.

"Phew that was a close one," she murmured to herself.

"Wait, Harriet?" Minho called out after a few seconds.

"Shit," she cursed under her breath. Plastering a smile on her face, she slowly spun around on her heel. "Yes Minho?"

"What's in your bag?" he questioned, scratching the side of his head. "Where are you off to?"

"Uh-nothing. Nowhere!" she blurted out.

Not believing an ounce of what she said, he strolled back over, grabbing her by the strap and unzipped her bag.

"Hey!" she snapped, trying to shove his hands off but it was too late as he had already opened it.

no regrets | harriet - tmrDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora