chapter thirty-six

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"I'm sorry."

Bea looked up from the map of the WCKD building she was studying. She had probably analysed it a hundred times but she wanted to be extra careful as today was the day. The day they were going to get back Minho. It felt like deja vu; spending all that time planning previously and then getting back Sonya and Aris, then having to do it again for Minho.

Half a biscuit was lodged in her mouth as she let out a muffled "Huh?" to Thomas who was standing in the doorway to the room she was in.

He walked in nervously, awkwardly scratching he back of his head as Bea quickly swallowed the rest of her biscuit. "I'm sorry for snapping at you yesterday," he apologised again, "I-I didn't mean to. I just... got angry that you knew and we didn't and I-I just...I'm really sorry."

Bea sighed, locking eyes with Thomas mellow, brown ones that were almost identical to hers. "It's okay," she replied softly. He walked over to her, pulling her into a tight hug. She rested her head on his chest, closing her eyes. The sound of his heartbeat rapidly beating, thumped inside her ears. His chin was dug into her shoulder, his arms wrapped around her smaller frame.

After a good half a minute, she pulled away before straightening out his khaki jacket. She dusted it down with her hands, fixing the collar after. Their short moment was disrupted by a knock at the door.

Their heads simultaneously snapped to the side where Gally was leaning against the door frame. "Hey, dinner's ready," he announced before turning his attention to Thomas, "And we gotta leave soon to get her."

Thomas nodded stiffly before Gally walked off, after the confirmation.


Thomas nudged open the door to the dining area, opening it fully for Bea before following behind her. This area wasn't specifically the dining area; it was more for lounging about and chilling (and it was probably the cleanest place there) so most of the army members brought their food their to eat it.

Bea's eye's immediately flitted to Brenda, Gally, Fry, Newt and Jorge. She flashed them a smile before tugging Thomas' arm in that direction. They were sat in the corner of the room, sitting cross-legged with their plates on their lap.

"We got your guy's plates," Frypan said, nodding towards the two plates with sandwiches on them. The siblings mumbled a 'thank you' before plopping themselves down on the floor, digging into their food.

Bea picked up the sandwich scoffing it into her mouth as if she hadn't eaten in days. Within a minute the slice was devoured; she sighed taking a swig of her water. It was at times like this when she missed Harriet a lot.

The sort of times when she wasn't doing anything like planning to save Minho or helping out with random stuff; she liked to keep herself busy so she didn't have the time to think about Harriet. But times like now when she eating or those brief few moments before she was drifting off to sleep, Harriet would be on her mind. She often wondered how she was, or what she was doing. If they had made it the safe haven yet and if they had then what was it like.

However, the thing she thought about most was their kiss. The way their lips moved in sync, the way Harriet's arms wrapped around her waist. She still couldn't believe that it had happened; at times she even questioned if it was all a dream.

Bea exhaled, swallowing down the last few bites of her second sandwich before unscrewing the lid to her water bottle, tipping the last few droplets in her mouth. Brenda, Jorge, Fry and Newt had finished eating, leaving the siblings and Gally to finish their food. Opposite Bea, Thomas was doing the same thing - the exact same movements and at the exact same time - and to the left of her, Gally was sat with a slice of his sandwich a few centimetres in front of his gaping mouth.

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