chapter thirty-three

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Bea thought where Marcus lived was bad. This place was even worse.

Aromas of soot and burning was inhaled, filling her lungs inch by inch. At that moment in time, she wished she had one of the masks many of the people around her were sporting. Dread began to swell in her stomach as the thought of herself catching the flare. Her eyes trailed to the side where Newt was also walking, in a trance at the town they were in.

Washing lines hung from towering building, clothes pegged to it. Although, Bea found it hard to believe that air like this was safe to breathe in, let alone dry your clothes. The brunette girl stumbled as a random citizen barged passed her in a busily way.

The whole town (if you could even call it a town) was extremely busy and bustling. Everyone walked in a rush as if they didn't want to be around other people for long - not that Bea could blame them. Men in masks hurriedly places bags upon bags in truck; swinging it onto the trailer where more men stood, piling it properly before they were handed another bag.

Bea pulled her jacket closer around her, covering her head with the hood. She attempted to keep up with the rest of the group which were quickly making their way to the forefront of this chaos.

"This place had already gone through hell," she heard Jorge say to Thomas.

"More like hell and back," she mumbled under her breath.

"We just need to stick together," her brother replied to the old man causing Bea to roll her eyes.

Oh yeah, because I was definitely planning on running away to start a family with homeless Cranks.

"We are the voices of the voiceless. They hide behind their walls, thinking they can keep the cure for themselves, while they watch the rest of us wither and rot."

Bea's head snapped behind her, like the rest of the group, as their ears perked up at the loud voice. The male voice boomed through a megaphone as the person in question was sitting in the trailer of a truck that was driving in their direction. The herds of people dispersed, letting the truck through. Bea slipped to the side, bumping into Brenda who caught her by the arm. Cheers echoed and the man's words, urging him to carry on with his speech.

"But there are more of us then them. And I say, we rise up and take back what's ours! Let's bring back a victory!"

The crowd cheered once more as the man in the truck came clearer. Him along with several other men in the trailer wore masks - that seemed a lot saver than many other people's - along with army gear. Some more were even perched on the top of the truck, holding guns. Bea raised an eyebrow in curiosity at them. At the rebellion against WCKD, the 'outsiders' seemed to have formed.

One group of the 'army members' in particular seemed too interested in Bea and their group. She shielded her face, looking away from them.

"Hermana, hurry up!"

Bea yelped as Jorge grabbed her by the arm, pulling her forwards as an indicator to keep walking. She remained in front of him as a way for him to keep an eye on her. One of the boy's locked eyes with Thomas and the brunette boy looked back in a shocked kind of way before blinking and carrying on walking. But then Bea saw something that she never expected. Something - that looked scarily similar to a chip - flashed red at the base if Thomas' neck.

She was about to say something when she heard a humming from above her. WCKD drones.


The sound of cheering and chanting echoed in their ears as they rushed forwards. Some held banners and signs, spray painted with phrases like 'Voices of the Voiceless' and 'There is no cure' and even one saying 'WCKD can suck my dick' which made Bea giggle.

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