chapter nineteen

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"And then Bea helps us and we basically just escape," Aris explained, a pure smile on his face. Harriet and Sonya turned to each other before doubling over with laughter.

After Bea had broken her hug with Jorge, Aris had called her over to sit with him, Harriet and Sonya. They then started explaining how they escaped the WICKED compound to the two girls.

"What? It's true," Aris frowned, making the girls laugh even harder.

"Anyways," Bea continued, "Fast forward a few days and I end up saving that brunette idiot up there who turns out to be my brother." Using her index finger, she points to the Gladers who were perched on some rocks on one of the hills.

"He's pretty cute," Sonya mumbled causing everyone to groan and roll their eyes however a look of disappointment flashed onto Aris' face.

"And then we find Brenda and Jorge but the old man hangs us upside down in his lair," Aris said causing Harriet and Sonya's eyes to widen in shock, "But then it gets worse-"

"How can it get any worse than that?" Harriet scoffed, a grin etched onto her face.

"Oh, trust me, it can," Bea smirked, "One of Jorge's men calls WICKED so then Ratman and his minions arrive but Jorge and Brenda help us escape. Fast forward a couple hours, we find this guy called Marcus and he eventually tells us where to go to find the Right Arm and then yeah....basically you guys found us and here we are now."

"Well you guys definitely had an eventful few days," Sonya laughed and Aris and Bea hummed in agreement.

"Hey Aris, Bea!"

The two shifted to see a smiling Frypan waving at them. They waved back before turning back to their conversation.

"So what was it like in your guys maze?" Bea asked, changing the subject.

"Well...." Sonya trailed off, "It was definitely something."

Harriet nodded in agreement, "Me and Son were part of the first lot to be sent up. Everyone was going crazy so we realised we needed some order, that's when I stepped up to be the leader and I made Sonya my second."

"For the most part it wasn't that bad, if you don't include the people dying," Sonya said, "We had food, running water and each other and knowing WICKED it could have been a lot worse."

"Damn," Bea mumbled, not knowing what else to say.

"When Aris arrived all hell broke loose," Harriet laughed causing the boy to blush, "Of course, him being a boy sent the rest of the girls into a frenzy, coming up with all the possible reasons why he was there. But then the Walls didn't shut so we had to escape."

"We were the first group to escape too," Sonya smiled gleefully.

"And I was left in WICKED for a whole week without you guys," Aris pouted causing the three girls to laugh.

"Well we're here now," Sonya sighed, ruffling his hair. Aris' cheeks tinted redder than before and Bea couldn't help but wonder if he had a thing with Sonya back in the maze.

Bea smiled, a warmth in her heart she hadn't felt in a long time. She felt happy; she was with her friends, her brother and soon they were all going to this place where they were safe. No more cranks. No more WICKED. It almost seemed too good to be true.

A low whirring noise caused Bea to break from her thoughts. She frowned, try to concentrate on the sound that was gradually growing louder.

"Hey," Bea said cautiously, cutting the other three's conversation short, "Can you guys here that?"

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