chapter twelve

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Scrambling to her feet, Bea quickly chucked her bag onto her back and started waking people with Thomas.

"Hey guy get up we gotta go," she heard him say, "Newt, Aris!"

"Guys quick, come on," Bea urged, "Frypan, Teresa."

The rest of the group slowly got up, half-asleep, wondering why on earth they were being woken up.

"Do you guys see that," he heaved out, "It-it's lights." The group looked at where he was pointing in shock and disbelief.

"We made it," Newt said but everyone immediately whirled to the right at the sound of thunder blaring in their ears. A huge storm cloud was approaching with lightning and thunder. It crackled again, even louder this time making Bea flinch. If they wanted to get to whatever building they had seen without being fried they had to start running now.

"Let's go. We gotta go," Thomas urged, swinging his bag onto his back, "Come on. Let's go. Let's go!"

The group started running - which had now become a regular occurrence for them - but this time they were running to a building which was hopefully the Right Arm.

Finally. A stop to all of this madness.

Bea swung her arms back and forth, trying to run as quickly as possible, the rumbling of thunder loud in her ears. The gloomy storm cloud captured any rays of light make it all the more difficult to run. A small pain ran through her side through every step and she winced at the immense amount of pain.

"Hurry! Guys, come on!" Thomas yelled, encouraging people to run even faster. He placed a hand on Bea's back, driving her forwards as she was lagging a bit behind the rest of the group. Another bolt of lightning struck only a few metres next to her next time, the white light blinding, but she ignored it and carried on running.

"Keep moving! Come on! Let's go!"

The thunder was deafening and swallowing Thomas' shouts of motivation. Bea's heart raced in her chest, her whole body flinching at each strike of lightning.

"Go, go, go! We're getting closer!"

Bea could make out the building now and could see a row of lights, and an old industrial establishment.

Come on Bea just a little further.

Another bolt of lightning struck the ground, even closer this time making Bea's heart leap inside her chest. They were even closer now and there were a few cars now, scattered around them. Letting out another low exhale, she urged herself forwards, her lips pressed into a firm line.

She heard another crackle of thunder and suddenly she felt herself being thrown onto the floor.

She groaned as she collided onto the ground with a thud. Luckily, it was on the side that had not been stabbed but pain was still shooting through her ribcage. She raised her hands and cupped her ears to try and block out the excessive ringing noise but it was no use.

Using all the will power she had, she pushed herself off the ground, staring at her bleeding hands that had been grazed from her abrupt landing. She blinked a few times, looking around to see Minho lying flat on the floor and Thomas a few metres away from him, steadily getting up.

She turned to the right to see Teresa holding the door open as Aris, Fry and Newt rushed to get Minho up. Suddenly, she felt somebody pick her up and she looked to see Thomas who was in as much shock as she was.

"Bea come on!"

Quickly, she stumbled to her feet, Thomas practically dragging her.

"Get inside!" Teresa shouted.

Thomas tightened his grip on a wobbly Bea as they rushed inside the building, causing her to almost collapse onto Teresa. A few seconds later, Aris, Fry and Newt rushed in, carrying Minho between them. The door swung shut with a loud clank and they were suddenly left in darkness.

"Whose got a light?"

Aris fumbled with one of the torches in his pocket, shining the bright ray of light onto Minho's still face.

"Minho! Minho!" Thomas violently shook the boy, pleading at him to wake up or show any signs of life. Bea crouched down beside him to see if the boy was still even breathing.

"Come on, Minho. Come on!" Newt urged, his eyebrows wrinkling together in worry.

"Come on, Minho. Please!" Frypan murmured, about to burst into tears at any second. However, the Asian boy lay limp on the ground with no response and all that could be heard was the harsh breathing of the rest of the group.

A few seconds later, a groan erupted from the boy's mouth causing a wave of relief to wash over the rest of the group.

"Minho, Minho! You okay?" Thomas asked worriedly. The boy glanced at his hands in shock as if to check if he was really still alive

"What happened," he croaked out, his chest heaving up and down to regain more oxygen.

"We think you got struck by lightning," Thomas said, sharing a small smile with the rest of the group.

"Oh," Minho said, his lips curving into a smile causing the group to chuckle at his odd response.

"You get struck by lightning and all you say is 'Oh'?" Bea retorted but she was grinning so he knew she wasn't being serious.

"Well, what can I say shank," Minho laughed, raising an eyebrow at the brunette girl, "I saved your butt from getting struck."

Bea just rolled her eyes as Newt and Thomas helped the boy to his feet but his eyes were still locked with Bea's, holding a silent message.

"Hey guys, what's that smell?" she heard Teresa say. Bea turned where the girl was standing, glancing around the building. She sniffed the air and her nose wrinkled at the disgusting and obnoxious smell but it seemed familiar to her though. Her eyes widened in realisation

Oh no. Not again.

"Guys! It's Cr-"

She was cut off by Teresa switching her torch on, lighting up a chained Crank. The group screamed as Bea pulled Teresa back just for safe-keeping. Teresa turned around, the rays falling upon yet another crank.

"Behind you!"

The group jumped to the side as their torches waved across the building they were in. There were multiple cranks - at least fifty- with their clothes ripped and all changed up to tall metal pillars. Bea gulped at the amount there were and could feel her hear rate increasing again.

At least they're all chained up this time.

Bea pushed herself to the back of the group. She wasn't usually the selfish kind but the cranks really freaked her out.

"I see you've met our guard dogs."

Everyone's heads whirled upwards at the unfamiliar feminine voice. Bea peered in-between the two people in front of her to see the silhouette of a girl who seemed to be around their age. The girl strutted forwards, without a care in the world - not even having to dodge the cranks.

"Stay back! Stay back!" Thomas called out, wanting to warn the girl. The girl just smirked, eyeing Thomas up and down. She had short, shaven brown hair, and piercing hazel eyes and was dressed in a maroon top and a grey jacket.

"You guy's look like shit."

What a nice warm welcoming.

Bea wanted to snicker but held it in. The girl seemed like someone she definitely would have been friends with if this was any other situation. Thomas breathed unevenly, staring incredulously at the smug girl. The girl's eyes wavered amongst the group until she finally locked eyes with Beatrice. Her grin faltered and her mouth opened in shock.



authors note:

teehee what a cliff hanger ik. and sorry this is ANOTHER short chapter but I promise the next one is gonna be really good.

Love - K :) xx

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