chapter thirty-one

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Bea walked back to her room red eyed from her conversation with Newt. As each day went on she realised she actually didn't know much about him at all. Gently pushing the door, it opened with a creak as she slipped. Harriet was peacefully asleep and by the look of it, so was Sonya and Aris.

Sighing, she began to pack a bag. As quietly as possible, she packed three changes of clothes - not knowing how long she was going to be away for. Rummaging around in the draw of her bedside table, her fingers grazed across a cool piece of metal. Confused, she latched onto it, taking out.

It was the necklace Harriet had found when they were in the basement. Holding it in her hand, her eyes were trained on the emerald, feeling how she felt when she first saw it. She didn't think twice as she unclasped it, putting it on. Harriet wasn't coming but at least she would have a small piece of her with her.

Harriet. How am I going to say goodbye to her. Maybe I shouldn't.

A shuffling from behind her distracted her from her thoughts. Stuffing a few pairs of underwear and socks in her bag, she turned around to see Aris shuffling in her hammock. Frowning, she resumed her actions, putting her hairbrush and deodorant in her backpack that was rapidly increasing in weight.


Her head snapped to the sight to see Aris shuffling around even more. Pausing, she walked over.

"No. No. Please. Stop."

Her heart clenched in sympathy for the boy. But then she heard this voice of a high pitched girl.

"No. Stop it please."

Sonya's pleading voice filled her ears.

No not her too.

The sound of footsteps padding on the floor echoed behind her. Her eyes flitted back to see Harriet walking over with a concerned expression on her face.

"What's going on?" Harriet asked quietly.

"I think they're both having a nightmare," Bea whispered back. The two shuffled more in their hammocks, their limbs thrashing about in the material.


"Go away."

"Please, no."

"Just stop."

Bea grabbed onto Aris just in time as he was almost about to topple out of his hammock.

We need to stop this.

"Hey Aris," she said, cupping his face in her hands. The boy just thrashed more and more, desperately fighting against her grasp. At her left, Harriet was doing the same, cupping Sonya's face and speaking to her.

Aris' eyes startled eyes flashed open as he gasped for ever, shuffling around viciously. "Hey, hey. Aris. It's okay. It's me," Bea whispered soothingly. The boy's eyes returned to it's normal size as his breathing rate plateaued.

Bea's eyes flitted across the room to Harriet who stared straight back at her with the same expression. What the hell was WCKD doing them? She looked back to Aris, tracing small patterns on his cheek comfortingly. After a minute or so she stood back, Sonya now peacefully asleep again too.

She then offered Harriet a small smile as she walked back to her own hammock, throwing a random jacket on her filled bag to cover it. Shuffling into her hammock, she switched on an alarm for midnight before attempting to get some rest before her big adventure.


Bea woke with a jolt. Her watch vibrated under her pillow signalling it was midnight, Yawning, she strapped it onto her wrist, quietly hopping out of her hammock. She quickly stuffed her feet into her shoes and then slipped on her jacket before swinging her backpack over her shoulder.

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