chapter thirty-nine

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"Hey, Bea! We gotta go."

Minho's voice sounded like almost a mumble, the brunette girl having zoned out. She wasn't sure how long she had ben sitting next to Newt's lifeless body but she finally snapped back to reality. Turning her head slightly to the boy, large strands of her wispy hair flew against her tear-stained cheeks.

"We've gotta get to the berg, okay?" he said, crouching down next to her. She nodded feverishly, looking down at her covered up stab wound. While Frypan and Minho were having their moment with Newt, Gally had ripped off some material from his top. He then wrapped it around her gash, in attempt to stop the bleeding.

Minho jerked his head at Frypan, the two boys slowly and carefully hauling her up. They each wrapped one of her arms around their shoulder, steadily bringing her to her feet. Bea groaned in pain, it almost being unbearable. The right side of her pants was now completely drenched in blood, the material a musty crimson colour. And much to Bea's amazement, there was still blood pouring out of her.

In front of the two boys and Bea were Gally and Brenda, the short haired girl often turning back to glance at the injured girl who she considered her sister.

"We're gonna find Thomas, okay?" Minho whispered reassuringly to her, "We've just gotta get to the Berg, okay?"

Bea nodded her head, trying to reassure herself that everything was going to be okay. But as each second passed she wasn't so sure.

Newt is dead.

Those three words had been ringing in her mind since the event had occurred. She didn't know what to say about it, what to think about it, what to feel about it. Her mind span with possibilities of what she could have done; stalled longer so Brenda could get there in time, carried on dragging Newt when Teresa was doing her 'speech'.

The group made their way through the tunnel that felt like it was never ending. Dim, yellow lights near the top of the walls were their only source of brightness as they travelled through, an unappealing aroma of sewages in the air. Explosions were still going off in the background; bomb after bomb, missile after missile.

Bea was broken from her thoughts as she cried in agony, a slight stumble over a knocked over garbage can, causing pain to shoot through her side. Unwillingly, tears started trickling down her face.

"Fuck," Frypan mumbled under his breath.

"Hey, Hey, Bea! It's gonna be okay," Minho attempted to reassure her again, gripping tighter to the girl. They carried on stumbling forwards, wanting to reach the berg as quick as they could.

"Just leave me," she cried out, "You'll get to the berg and Thomas quicker."

If she was thinking straight she would have realised her words sounded all too similar to Newt's.

"Bea, we're not going to leave you-" Frypan began, his eyes softening at the injured girl.

"It will be easier if you do, okay?" she responded. "And-"

"We are not leaving you!" Minho exclaimed loudly, taking Bea by surprise. The Asian boy lowered his tone, tilting Bea's face towards him by her chin. "I've just lost Newt. So, I am not losing you too."

Bea could hear the pain in his voice and his eyes as he spoke. Slowly, she nodded, conforming to their pleas. "Okay," she murmured quietly. Her eyes flickered down to the piece of Gally's top that was wrapped around her waist. The once grey top was now red, matching her pant leg.

This is definitely worse than last time.

She knew humans had lots of blood. It was a fact. But at this rate, she felt as if she was going to bleed to death from the amount she had lost. As much as she tried, she couldn't shake those negative thoughts from her mind.

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