chapter fourteen

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Bea felt like she was in the middle of a horror movie.

You know, the one where the evil old man locks some kids in his lair before he has to kill them?

Yeah, that's what it felt like.

Instead, not only had Jorge locked up her and the rest of the group, they were also strung up and hanging from the ceiling over what looked like a bottomless pit.

"Great plan Thomas," she sighed, "Just hear what the man has to say. Really working out for us."

"Oh shut up Bea," he grumbled at his sister. The fact that Beatrice was actually his sister and the fact that he actually had family still hadn't sunk into his mind. He knew Bea was familiar and there was a possibility they used to know each other but he would have never guessed this. But nonetheless he was still incredibly happy about it.

"I'm starting to like your sister more than you Thomas," Minho said, putting emphasis on the 'sister' part, "At least she doesn't come up with stupid plans that can get us killed."

"Oh you shut up as well Minho," he scoffed, "Maybe-maybe I can reach the rope."

Thomas groaned, swinging his arms upwards in an attempt to grab onto the rope that was holding him up but failed.

"There's no point trying Thomas it's not gonna work," Bea said, rolling her eyes.

"Well at least I'm doing something," he shot back, "Why are we even in here? I though you were friends with that girl."

"I never said that," she retorted but then let out a small breath, "I never said she was my friend. I said I knew her from somewhere."

"I don't know how we met or how close we were or any of that dumb stuff but I wish I did," she frowned sadly, "Trust me, if I could remember who she was then we definitely wouldn't be in this situation.

"Enjoying the view?"

Everyone's head snapped towards the door of the room to see Jorge strolling in with a sly smile on his face.

"What the hell do you want?" Minho grumbled at the old man.

The man sighed, pondering for a while, "That is the question."

"My men want to sell you back to WICKED," he announced, causing Beatrice's heart to drop into her stomach.

I left them. What they hell are they going to do to me when I get sent back?

"Life has taught me think small. I'm not like that. And I'm guessing you're not like that either."

"Is it the blood rushing through my head, or is this shank not making any sense?" Minho groaned.

Jorge span around, walking up to Thomas and pointing a metal pole at him, "Tell me what you know about the Right Arm?"

"I thought you said they were ghosts?" Newt questioned, raising an eyebrow which looked terribly funny to be upside down.

Jorge just turned to Newt and smirked, "I happen to believe in ghosts-"

Okay, this man is definitely crazy.

"Especially, when I hear them chattering amongst the airwaves," he continued, strolling around the decking next to bottomless black pit.

"You tell me what you know and maybe we can make a deal," Jorge proposed after a few moments of silence.

"We-we don't know much," Thomas sighed, flailing his arms around miserably.

Without warning, the pulling of a lever sent Bea's stomach lurching as she and the others throttled downwards before coming to an abrupt stop.

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