chapter eighteen

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"She said - drop it," a firmer voice said. Bea was sweating, her heart palpating rapidly. The three slowly craned their necks to the side to look at the person the voice had belonged to.

"Now!" the same firm voice yelled, however it was slightly muffled from the bandana that was covering her mouth. Jorge and Thomas slowly placed their devices on the floor, switching them off.

The voices had belonged two girls: one with deep ochre brown skin with dreadlocks cascading down her back, sporting a warm brown jacket. And the other had pale skin, strands of her silky blonde hair flying in her face. They both had a gun gripped into their hands, ready to shoot at any second.

"On your feet let's go."

"Let's go!" she shouted again, causing the siblings and Jorge to stumble to their feet with their hands held up in defence, "Move!"

"Back up!" she ordered, shaking the gun in their faces as if to taunt and threaten them.

"Easy..." Jorge murmured, almost tripping over the front of a car.

"You two over here now!" the same girl commanded, directing her gun at Newt and Minho who also had their hands held up by their head.

"Come on. On your feet," the blonde girl instructed; Bea found her less intimidating.

"Don't be stupid, move!" the other girl snapped, now glaring at Brenda, Aris and Teresa. She had her gun pointed at them three but her eyes were trained on Aris, a look in her eyes that Bea couldn't recognise. The brown-skinned girl fumbled over he gun before lowering it.


The Gladers, Bea, Jorge and Brenda all slowly turned their heads to look at Aris in confusion. The girl who called out to the young boy, pulled her mask own with a gasp, revealing her small upturned nose and full lips that were slightly parted.

Shit she's pretty.

"Oh my gosh, Harriet?" Aris said in disbelief, lowering his hands and pushing himself in front of Teresa and Brenda. Swiftly, Harriet moved her gun behind her back and rushed towards the boy. She immediately pulled him into a hug, throwing her arms around his shoulders and burying her face into his neck. He returned the gesture, squeezing her waist tightly.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Harriet asked, in as much shock as he was but also in a protective way. She pulled away, cupping his face in her hands. The blonde girl pulled her mask down stunned, not knowing what to say.

"Sonya!" Aris exclaimed with a grin on his face. The blonde girl dashed over, pulling the boy in for a second hug.

"You're lucky we didn't shoot your dumb ass," she scoffed, sighing into the embrace before stepping back next to Harriet.

I think I like these two.

The rest of the group were still incredibly confused, confused at why the two girls who were about to shoot them were now hugging Aris. Newt and Minho glanced at each other with confused looks on their faces, their hands still held up.

"How...." Aris trailed of, staring at the two girls.

"Uh...what's happening?" Minho called out, asking the question everyone had been wondering.

Bea just rolled her eyes at his naivety, "Aris is actually an alien reuniting with his alien friends. Keep up Minho."

The black haired boy just glared at her while Harriet shot her a smirk.

"I like her" she said to which Bea flashed her a gleeful grin and a wink.

"We were in the maze together," Aris cut in, turning around to face the rest of the group. A wave of realisation washed over the Glader's faces as they slowly lowered her hands. Harriet turned around go face the mountains, giving a high pitched whistle.

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