chapter twenty-three

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(one month in)

It had been a month since WCKD had attacked. That month seemed to fly by for everyone - especially Bea. During that month she had become closer with Harriet and they had become a well known duo amongst everyone.

She had also had a catch up with Brenda. The girl had isolated herself from everyone - including Jorge - and Bea had practically begged her to have a night where they could sit and chat. So that's what they did. There were many laughs, many tears but most of all Brenda felt like she had her friend back.

Bea was also more comfortable around the Gladers. Much to her liking, she had become incredibly closer with Thomas and she had become quite good friends with Frypan. It was just Newt who refused to talk to her still.

"I did it!"

Bea's ecstatic voice had alerted everyone in the building. Heavy footsteps quickly thudded towards the planning room before Vince's head peaked round the door frame.

"What? It works? Please tell me it works?" he asked Bea, his tone urgent but hopeful.

"The parts from the basement work! I mean I still need to test out the frequencies so we can listen in on WCKD but we've actually gotten somewhere now-" Bea rambled on giddily. She paused for a second, waiting for Vince's reaction.

"Whoooh, let's go baby!" he rejoiced, fist pumping the air. Bea grinned, gripping one of the new-made radios in her hand. She chucked another to Vince who swiftly caught it.

"Go on," she urged excitedly, "Speak into it!"

Vince cleared his throat, bringing the mic to his lips, "This is Vince. I repeat, this is Vince coming in - Over."

His voice crackled out of Bea's radio receiver, odd words being missed out. Confused, she frowned adjusting the frequency with the tuner before nodding at Vince to speak again.

"This is Vince coming in - Over."

This time, his voice could be heard from the receiver almost crystal clear. A smile crept onto his face as he pulled Bea in for a quick hug.

"This is incredible," he laughed, breaking the embrace, "You are incredible."

"What happened? What's wrong? We heard shouting?"

Both of their heads snapped to the door to see the Gladers and Harriet with concerned looks on their faces.

"Nothing's wrong," Bea grinned, "In fact, everything is great." She picked another radio, chucking it to the group of four to which Harriet caught. Bea adjusted the radio receiver frequency to that specific radio before urging them to speak into it.

"Hold down the red button on the top and speak into it."

They exchanged strange looks before Harriet brought the mic to her mouth, "Hello. This is Harriet." Her voice sounded from the receiver clearly, proving once again that the radio worked. Harriet's jaw dropped as she strolled forwards, enveloping Bea in a hug.

"This is amazing!" she gushed, "I can't believe you made this from the junk we found in the basement." Bea shrugged off the compliment, her cheeks blushing a deep shade of pink.

"Wait so are we actually going to be able to hear WICKED's plans?" Thomas asked, frowning.

"I mean hypothetically, yes. I just need to find a frequency that matches theirs'," Bea explained, "I'm not sure how long it will take but we will get there eventually. I'm sure of it."

Thomas' frown faded into a smile as he pulled his sister into a hug. "I'm proud of you, you know," he whispered into her ear. She pulled back, nodding at his words.

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