chapter seven

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"Miss Beatrice I am here to escort you to The Lab."

The brunette girl looked up from her bunk to a woman standing by the door of her room in a lab coat and holding a clipboard. She was reading one of the few books that was on her bookshelf - not that they were interesting - but Dr Crawford had given her the day off so she figured she would check them out.


"They're orders from Chancellor Paige, Miss."

Sighing, she closed he book that was boring her half to death and followed the doctor out of the room. The woman firmly shut the door before lightly placing her hand on the girl's back to guide her where to go.

"I'm sixteen not five I can walk by myself!" she snapped, and the doctor retracted her arm. The brunette girl had a bad feeling about all of this; she wondered why was Chancellor Paige giving orders specifically to her and why did it involve The Lab?

The two walked in silence and after a few minutes they reached the South Sector and entered The Lab.

"Miss Beatrice please can you take a seat," a male doctor stated, gesturing for her to sit in the seat next to him. Involuntarily, she sat down next to him, folding her arms against her chest.

"Why do you guys even want me here?" the girl asked, raising an eyebrow. She was gradually becoming very impatient at the lack of proper answers and something definitely seemed off. The male doctor looked at the girl's escort nodding at her to leave. Once she had, he sighed, turned back to the grumpy teenager.

"My name is Dr Morgan and I have some direct orders from Chancellor Paige to do some tests on you," he explained, "If you comply this should take less than an hour."

"Why is she doing this?"

"Unfortunately we cannot disclose this information with you Miss-"

"Well it involves me so this information should be disclosed to me," she replied with a snarky tone.

"I am afraid we are unable to do this but everything is going to be fine," he replied with an oddly calm voice.

The brunette sighed, "Can you at least tell me what you're doing to me or is that non-disclosable too."

The doctor just shook his head, his face void of any emotions that could give away how the tests were going to go. Reluctantly, she lied down on the testing bed, letting her hand lay by her side. Glancing to her left all she could see was a blood pressure monitor, a blood sugar monitor and another device to check her vitals.

Exhaling heavily, she closed her eyes trying to think of all the possible reasons why she was there. She's only met the Chancellor once - well once formally and once informally - so she had no clue what she had to do in all of this. The last few months have been a bit of a whirlwind; since Miss Paige became the Chancellor she had hardly seen her brother. She thought seeing him twice a month for a few hours was bad but now she was lucky if she saw him once for even ten minutes every few months. But recently she hadn't seen the boy in 6 months - she didn't even get to see him on her birthday that was a week ago. This was the longest she had ever gone without seeing him.

"I just need to take some of your blood now so please may you put your arm out straight and have your palm facing the ceiling," the doctor instructed bringing out a needle. But this needle was different. She squinted to see some sort of transparent liquid filling the tube inside of it.

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