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"I won't let you snatch my zain from me." Sonia fretted, pacing in her room. She'd been cursing seher and making the plans to destroy her married life.

In a while, her phone rang, and it was from Anam. She got frustrated and cut the call, but  Anam called again. This time she picked up the call.

"Didn't you already get my words last time." Sonia shouted irritatedly.

"This time i didn't call you for money or blackmailing, I've called you to asking you if you're interested in becoming my partner." Anam asked, paused for a moment "For ruining Seher's life." And added.

Sonia didn't get her, that why she had wanted to ruin Seher's life. she thought that it was because of zain and she heated in anger and asked "but why do want to ruin her life."

"Because I'm jealous of the luxury she has now. She used to be my friend but not now, I'm envious of her." Anam blurted in jealousy.

Sonia smirked and now she pushed that 'she was doing it for zain' thought from her mind. "That's cool...okay, then we're together in this."


"Now how would you get to know that who was that person." Dadi whispered to me as we were sitting in her room.

"I....i...i don't know." I frowned. I hadn't had any idea about this, i wanted to expose her but i wasn't getting that how could i do this.

"It's okay, we'll make some plans." Dadi smiled and winked.

"Okay dadi." I smiled at her. "Can i go to my home for bringing my things here." I asked, realising that i didn't have any book here.

"Okay....Abeer would take you there." Dadi said.

After i got ready to go my home as i was excited to meet mom and dad.

"Seher.." I heard Abeer, knocking the door of my room.

"Coming". I said, moving to the door and opened it.

He smiled at me. "Dadi has given a order to me to take you to your home." He imitated the last part.

I laughed. " follow me, my bodyguard." I said, walking after her.

"Yes ma'am." He said loudly.

You know think that i like about this guy is he never behaved bad with me.

We went to my home and mom was very happy. She welcomed me and Abeer like i was a guest. Abeer had his favourite mom's coffee, while i packed my things: some clothes, books and all my necessary things.

I talked with mom for an hour and then we went home back after having lunch.

"Thank you." I thanked Abeer as we walked in the khan's mansion. He smiled and said "in friendship; no sorry, no thank you."

"Yaa yaa...filmy.." i laughed. I went to my room and unpacked all my stuff and put them on the places.
After having dinner, i helped mom (mother-in-law). Zain was already ran to the room and i was confused by his act. Maybe he was feeling sleepy.

I went to my room,  after completing all the work. I opened the door and saw that zain was lying on the bed.

I shut the door and moved towards him "excuse me...this is my bed." I said loudly.

He didn't move an inch. I tried to push him but he was as hard as rock.

"Okay, fine, you want to sleep here, right? Then I'm going to dadi's room." I blackmailed him.

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