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Next day, in the morning, seher was ready to go to her house. She hugged Rukhsana and Sadaf and bid a bye to everyone.

 Abeer dropped her as he promised to her mother.
One of the detective said on the phone, fearfully. "sir.....we didn't find the car and the person who was driving it".

Zain was in his office, growling on the phone. "Your job is finished, you don't have to do anything now, I'll find another one".

"Actually sir---but we have found those two boys who injured that girl." The detective stammered.

"Girl--" zain thought and remembered about seher, sadaf had told him about that incident too. "Okay. Take them to my farm house. I'll be there in 10 minutes".

They took them to Zain's farm house as he ordered and he also reached there in 10 minutes as he said.

They knelt them down and put the gun on their heads.

"Sir, my name is Raj; And I'm hammad." Both said.

"You both are not in an audition, are you?" zain shouted.
They were sacred to watch him. "Now tell me why did you do that?" zain grabbed their collars.

'Why am i being so angry. It's just about her. She doesn't deserve my concern. And anyway, I've only called them here so that maybe i could get a clue about my grandmaa too'.

He left their collars, and sat on the chair. "Now tell me, What you both know?"

"Sir, that day, 1 hour before the incident, we got a call. A girl was on the other  side of the phone and she said 'i know that you both need money, i can give you 50 thousand ruppees; each of you, you just need to do one thing for me'." Zain was listening them deeply. They continued "we need money at that time for our family---we are going through a difficult time" they lowered their eyes, full of tears.

Zain sympathised them but he was still in a bit anger.

"She said that we have to kill that girl. We agreed because we need the money." Raj chocked and then hammad continued the rest. "We were just about to kill her, but that boy grabbed her and saved her."

Zain was boiling like a water from head to toe now.

"And when she: that girl, got to know that we failed to kill her. She shouted on us and said 'now you both failed in your work, so I'm going to cut your fees'. And only gave 50 thousand ruppees for both of us." Raj interrupted. "And...We also heard something about a car accident". Zain eyes widened at this.

"What! What accident?" zain asked.

"When she called us, i think she might have forgotten to hung up the call, so we heard her, saying that 'last time i tried to kill that girl, but that old lady came out by mistake. And this time that boy saved her'." Raj completed.

Zain was shocked that someone was trying to kill seher. And just because of that seher, his grandmother had to go to the hospital.
And maybe who knows, if his brother would have been in danger too.

"You can go now, but if you ever do this again with anyone, I'll get you to the police station." zain warned them and also told his secretary to gave them 1 lakh ruppee (each of 'em).

They thanked him and promised him that, they wouldn't do this again.
Zain was in his room, thinking: what had happened, what they had told him. "This girl has so many enemies and because of her my dadi could die----but who is trying to kill her. Well... why are you even thinking about this zain, she deserves people hatred. Maybe she had tried to snatch someone's boyfriend and now that girl wants to kill her."

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