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Tears fell from her eyes, which she had been  holding for a long time. She didn't expect that he would say this much shitty words to her.

She pushed him "who the hell are you to saying these words to me". She yelled at him with her teary eyes. "First look at yourself!"

"These dialogues don't suite the person like you. what you do with girls, you think it's right." She yelled. She wiped her tears and left from there.

She washed her face and clean it.
"Where were you, are you okay?" Sadaf asked in concern.

"Yes, I'm okay" seher smiled. "This isn't getting clean actually." She showed the stain.

"Ohh god, i think we should go now". Sadaf said and Abeer agreed with her.

They dropped seher to her house as they promised before 12 and turned to their way after saying bye to her.

Seher knocked the door and hid the stain with her little bag.
Aasma opened it and she walked towards her room with wide footsteps.

"What happened seher, why are you walking like you're going to miss your train." Aasma asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Nothing mom, I'm just sleepy." Seher turned her face, yawned  and smiled without moving her body towards her. And walk straight to her room.

"This girl is getting weirder day by day." Aasma shrugged and locked the door.



After coming back in my room, i changed my clothes in something comfy and lay on my bed, after turning off the lights.

"What he had done today, i will never forgive him, he thinks that he has money, so he can do anything with anyone, especially with girls.  When i first saw him, that day, i never thought that he could be the guy, who dumped Anam. But people are different from outside and inside. And that's a truth." I was murmuring to myself. "From now on, i will make sure that i don't even see his face. Well seher, stop thinking about that 'angry bird'." I imitated.

"Good night seher". I closed my eyes and drowned into a slumber.
Next day i bought a beautiful earrings for sadaf, as her birthday gift. I didn't know how to give them to her, so i went to the khan's mansion.

"Assalamu alaikum". I greeted them, dadi was sitting on the couch, talking to Ameena aunty and dadu haider.

"Waleikum assalaam child". Dadi said and smiled at me. She gestured her hand at me to sit. I sat beside her.

"Were you missing me." Dadi asked, grinning.

"Of course dadi, why wouldn't i". I replied and hugged her from the side.

"Where is sadaf dadi?" I asked after a little chit-chat with them.

"She's in her room." Dadi said, pointing her index finger towards her room.

"Okay, thank you." I stood up and walked to her room. I was taking out the earrings box from my bag, while walking and suddenly i bumped into someone. I fell on the ground and my knee got hurt.

"Ahh!!". I gasped and looked up at that person. Who was already looking at me. My eyes widened. And yesterday's memories rushed in my mind.

"Idiot, he can't even walk properly." I murmured, but enough that he could hear me.
He leaned a bit and lended his hand forward, as soon as i tried to hold his hand, he pulled it back. "Aww...i can't help, I'm busy actually." Zain waved his hand,  showed a winning smile and walked away.

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