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After having the dinner, the whole family was sitting in the living room talking about Fahad's marriage.

"So Fahad, what do you think about marrying Uzma?" Haider muttered, smiling.

Uzma and Fahad were friends since 10th grade. Fahad loved her but hadn't expressed his feelings to her. And same thing was happening with Uzma,  she loved him too but she also hadn't told him about her feelings; everytime they both thought to express their fondness to each other, the only thing came to their minds and that was, what If their friendship deteriorated because of all this relationship thing. They didn't want to debauch their sweet and caring friendship, that's why they always stopped themselves.

But three days ago, Suddenly Fahad told her that he loves her, he couldn't keep it in any longer because he didn't want her to be someone else's. And that's when they both realised their feelings for each other.

They didn't tell their families ofcourse.
But as you all know, Nothing can be hidden from family members, they come to know everything.

 Still don't know howw...

"I don't think so, i think fahad don't like her. they are just friends." rukhsana teased fahad.

"No!.... I mean i never said that i don't like her." fahad exclaimed and embarrassed immediately.

Everyone laughed. "Umm umm, yes dadi, i agree with you. i also don't think that fahad bhai likes her." sadaf teased him too, giggling on her own.

"You sadaf!!... wait..." fahad ran off to sadaf and she ran off to rukhsana, hiding herself behind her.

"Okay okay, stop fighting you both." Ameena and Adeel both stated.

Sonia was sitting beside Zain, who was quite uncomfortable, sitting with her like this. Sonia was always clinging to him. Always live to being with him. And would never notics his   expressions and reactions. And if she would then she just ignored them and stick to him.

Fahad and sonia were siblings. They went Delhi to live with their grandparents from mumbai --- where their parents were living.

Adeel and Ameena also loved them like their own children and never differentiate between Zain, Sadaf and Abeer.

But but but what do you think guyzz, was grandparent's love the real reason of sonia for coming here????

"What do you think Zain and Abeer, about your brother's marriage." Ameena asked.

They both looked at each other and sighed.

"It's perfect unless it's ours." they both winked each other. And sarcastically smiled back at Fahad who pouted.

"Then I call to her parents and invite them here for tomorrow." Haider declared and a wide grin spread on Fahad's face. He called them and talked to them about their marriage proposal  ( which they already had talked about, only fooling others).

Everyone's attention was on Haider except zain and Abeer, who were busy in their phones.
One was busy in reading the business news and one was playing games.

And i don't think that i need to specify their names, you guyzz are smart enough. Aren't y'all?

Haider hung up the call and the questions --- which every member was making in their minds while they were talking --- blurted out.

"Okay kids, first stop asking your questions. They said....." He paused  and looked at Fahad with a dull expression. Fahad got anxious and sad.
"....they are coming tomorrow for finalising the marriage dates." Haider announced the news and laughed at Fahad. And everyone congratulated him --- with hugs and sweets.

Love is fateحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن