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I saw something terrible, the person i hated to see; everytime when he got into my vision.
And there he was standing, the non
-other than Zain. He was looking at me furiously as if i had committed a crime.

'No Allah! Not this time! Urghh!!!'

He was taking his steps further and i was taking my steps back.

'Save me Allah'.

Soon i hit the wall and zain was closed to me. It was just a few inches gap between us, which made my heart racing in my chest.

"How dare you trying your cheap tricks on me!" zain was in full of rage.

'Why he's always being angry!'

I was scared as seeing him like this. I felt like crying but i couldn't, at least not in front of him.

"What's your problem, Huh?" I pushed him and  tried to look confident, so he wouldn't take an advantage of my scaryness. "Why you always say these kind of words to me?" i pushed him again, And now his anger was out of control.

'Seher, you. Are. Gone.!'

He grabbed my wrist tightly and pushed me towards the railing. Now i regretted why i did that. I made him more angry than before.

"Let this thing keep in your mind. YOU WON'T GET WHAT YOU WANT." he growled at me and i wasn't getting what he meant by those words.

I gasped in pain as i realised his grib tightened. "Get your hand off of me." i grumbled and tried to get off my hand from his but he was strong. Tears pooled in my eyes and suddenly he left my hand and rushed out.

I hadn't had the time to think, why he always being like this. I touched my wrist, where now had red fingerprints because of him. I wiped my tear with my palm.

After a moment i heard Abeer's voice, i cleared my throat; not to look upset or something had happened to me.

He came to me and apologised for being late "I'm really sorry seher, dadi gave me some work. So i was--". I stopped him in between and smiled "It's okay, and anyway, i was enjoying this view." i looked at the stars, gleaming in the sky. "Aren't they mesmerising?"

I realised Abeer gaze on me and i looked at him "of course they are". I blushed and tried to look everywhere but at him.

"So, why did you tell me to come here?" i asked, starting a conversation and stopping that 'weird but cute' moment.

"Actually--" he took something from his pocket and showed it to me. "How's it"?

It was a beautiful men's bracelet, which had some pearls on it. "It's lovely Abeer, is it for fahad?" I asked. He nodded and a wide grin appeared on his face. He was looking quite cute by the way.

"Hmmm, i have to admit that your choice is very good." I showed a thumbs-up to him and his cheeks turned into a strawberry milkshake.

"Thank you Ms. Seher." he ran his fingers in his hair. We giggled.

"Where were you seher?" sadaf asked worriedly.
"Nothing, i just had a call, soo...." i tried to make a good excuse.

"Ohh...okay". She took my hand and pulled me on the dance floor. "Sadaf, i don't dance... sadaf..." i tried to get out from there but, not only sadaf, Abeer also held my hand and trying to block the way.
"Come on seher, it's just a dance". Abeer and sadaf insisted. Dadi also came up on the floor to join me and others, also to overcome my hesitation.

Dadi was cool, she danced like a pro. Where dadu also join us and every family member came up on the dance floor, except that angry bird and his clingy friend/cousin Sonia.

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