The commentator glanced at the last comment and shook his head slightly. Wind Pressure, Lotus Walk, and Bow Walk, all of which Vantico was the most familiar with, had already been broken continuously. How could he take out techniques that he wasn't as familiar with? Taking out those techniques to shock his opponent every now and then in order to gain a small advantage was fine, but how could he take them out in a situation where he was at a disadvantage and facing an opponent on the level of the great demon king?


Due to Vantico's caution, the two assassins attacked and retreated in the middle of the arena, and the battlefield soon shifted around to several different places. Vantico's health remained stable at a very dangerous level.

As soon as Odin had noticed his state, he almost laughed out loud in the arena.

The master assassin: Oh, hey, this little kid is so much fun.

When the two of them re-entered a stand-off, Odin spread out his hands and made an obvious gesture of 'Come and fight, I'm ready to block you'.

As expected, Vantico used ow Walk and broke into his attack range like lightning.

In the moment he had approached, Odin suddenly turned into a shadow!

"Shadow attack!" The commentator slapped the table abruptly, "Lord Four used Shadow Jump on the spot!"

Shadow Jump was often used to get close to long-range targets, so it hadn't yet been used in this particular game. However, it could also be used as a 0.5-second dodge and backwinding--

At this moment, Vantico's Bow Walk had just ended. A sword light appeared from behind him!

Vantico had only had enough time to hold up his dagger before his entire person had been directly blasted away by a colossal force! In mid-air, just while he was pulling his body inwards, Odin instantly used Flash to approach him. A dagger stabbed into his heart, and the powerful impact had caused Vantico to smash into a wall.

If he smashed into it fully, it was possible that his remaining health would be directly deducted completely.

Vantico's pupils contracted, and he instinctively uttered a syllable--

Shadow Jump!

The commentator had almost lost his voice, "Vantico came back with a shadow attack!"

This critical Shadow Jump had saved Vantico's life temporarily.

Vantico's shadow quickly dissipated from the wall, but Odin had already reached back to catch the dagger that had attacked from behind.

Vantico's other dagger actually swept in from the side, and one of his attacks had managed to land on Odin's waist.

Odin had actually started up his Shadow Dance, but he didn't try to hide--he instead acted completely out of Vantico's expectations, and after having taken an attack, he bumped into Vantico from the front once again.

"Five and six." The master assassin spoke calmly.

When Vantico heard his voice from such a close distance, his mind was full of one thought: I want to open my mouth and bite him to death!!!

Unfortunately, not only did he not have a mouth that was big enough, but that bump had also been enough to take away the rest of his health, and he turned into a white stream of light and flew away.

Odin still had over half of his health left. He casually drew out a sword flower and put his two weapons back into their scabbards. He was in a good mood as he thought to himself: Tsk, tsk, little pitiful thing.

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