Chapter 80

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Chapter 80 - Provincial Competition - Assassin 2

No matter how hard the match was, it still needed to be played.

No matter how powerful the boss was, it still needed to be attacked--in short, it was either taking down the boss or being crushed to death by the boss.

Cardinal readjusted his mental state. This time, after entering self-reflection, Cardinal clearly realized one thing:

Stealth was ineffective against Odin.

Why was it ineffective? How could it be ineffective? No matter how he thought about it, the system couldn't possibly allow a person to have the ability to see through invisibility...

Therefore, Odin must have either a very special technique or lots of experience in order to be able to see through his stealth and diversions.


Like all assassins, after identifying his opponent's strengths, Cardinal no longer continued to casually use his usual routines.

So, this time, instead of going into stealth, he chose to create an absolute opportunity.

Hook-shaped junctures were used to connect the carriages in a classic train. Cardinal quietly opened the connection point in front of the second carriage.

If the second carriage was suddenly disconnected from the front engine, it would instantly lose its huge forward velocity, then slow down due to friction--

In this state, people who were unprepared would definitely readjust their stance in order to deal with the inertia. No matter how strong a person was, there would definitely be such a moment!

This was the moment Cardinal was aiming for.


When the carriage suddenly started to slow down, a screeching sound came from the friction between the rail and the wheels. At that moment, Tyron's figure in the carriage shook, and he adjusted his standing position.

The commentator also shouted at this time, "Here's his chance!"

It was in this short second that Cardinal stormed in again, sweeping in from the front of the carriage!

His blade cut through the chilly air in a flash, leaving a dazzling white light in Tyron's dark, golden eyes.

Tyron didn't dodge, exploding into high-speed movement from his original static state to clash against Cardinal's daggers--he transformed that moment of inertia into a startling forward dash!

The two assassins moved as fast as lightning. When they moved towards each other from opposing sides, they practically clashed together in the blink of an eye, and in the next blink, they had already passed by the other party!

Only then could the 'ding' sounds of metallic impact be heard, reminding people that during those two blinks, there had already been a confrontation of blades.

Then, they watched the health bars of both people decrease at the same time.

Tyron went from full health to 89% as the system judged that Cardinal had landed a three-hit combo!

Meanwhile, Cardinal's health dropped from 80% to 39%, the system judging that Odin had landed an eight-hit combo!


The two men had only intersected paths for a mere moment.

After that, they both turned around at the same time and abruptly came face-to-face with each other&#k2013;&#k2013;Tyron was obviously more agile, and he started his next attack faster, heading towards Cardinal head-on once again.

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