Chapter 101

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Chapter 101 - A Sword That Could Sing

The master assassin pondered for a while when faced with Victor's questions. His eyes were deep as though he'd thought of something that made him feel embarrassed.

Victor coaxed him, "You know you can tell me anything."

Two seconds later, Tyron said, "Don't add onions to the roasted chicken wings, they don't taste good."

After having said that, he fell into a new round of reflection, his eyes drooping slightly and appearing very melancholic.

Victor: "......"

Victor was no longer fooled though and thought to himself that he really should've just bitten this old antique to death instead!


A while later, Victor grumbled as he roasted chicken wings.

Chicken wings weren't common synthetic products from the interstellar era but rather real birds that had been raised artificially and processed by hand before being quick-frozen. This kind of thing was naturally very expensive.

But, there was no helping it. This husband-husband couple contained one old antique and one who was rich, tall, and handsome, and neither of them were willing to deal with the nutritious and delicious synthetic products.

Tyron belonged to the category with broad vision. He had tried the best and the worst foods the world had to offer and had no bottom line when it came to what he ate when times were hard. He would just eat a few more bites when he came across delicious food. It was Victor who was more critical; his father was an expert full-time cook, making synthetic food seem like nothing but organic feed in his eyes...

The taste of synthetic products almost all had the same baseline level, and this level was higher than that of ordinary food. After all, it had undergone thousands of years of slow progress. However, it wasn't much better than ordinary food. In addition to having to compromise for the sake of everyone's tastes, the government was also another important factor... They didn't want to see the majority of the population become overweight and then have to undergo weight loss surgery. This would simply be a waste of government money and medical resources.

After the master assassin had come into this world, he'd been in the virtual world for a long time and hadn't eaten anything real.

Later, he'd changed his body and refused to live in the virtual world. This also led Victor to happily get the hell out and join him in reality.

The two of them would find cooks or look for an AI butler. Very occasionally, Victor would do it himself.

In this era, cooking by hand had long stopped being a necessary chore and had become more of a symbol of family.

Victor only knew how to use the oven, but even if that was the case, he often felt a warm and happy feeling when he used it, especially when he turned around to find his own old antique slowly making his way over as he followed the fragrance.


On the other side, while baking, Victor also warmed up some milk and thought: There's another match tomorrow. Who packed the schedule for the top six so tightly? He should urge Tyron to sleep earlier today, and he should drink this glass of milk even if he didn't want to...

Victor was still thinking about it when he turned around and saw that Tyron had suddenly appeared.

"......!!" Victor was shocked.

This qin was unlike any instrument Victor had ever seen before. It looked a little like a classical bass but had five strings and a higher range section. There was also a pick in Tyron's hand.

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