Chapter 114

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Chapter 114 - Entertainment Match - Demon King

The 'demon king mode' wasn't an official A-League team competition game mode. It was a modified version of one of the ten official team competition modes. It normally wouldn't appear in competitions and would only appear for fun in casual games. It was a custom team competition mode for casual players.

The demon king mode was also known as the '1vN mode', which basically summarized its main characteristic: One person against the remaining N number of people.

That one person was labelled as the 'demon king', and the rest were the 'brave warriors'.

The demon king could pick a main profession, a sub profession, and race, and they could also adjust their skills and equipment. Of course, it would ultimately still be balanced out and adjusted by the system for fairness. Generally speaking, based on the demon king's choices, the demon king's attributes would be upgraded to anywhere between 5 and 15 times that of the brave warriors'.

And, the N brave warriors would be in a team together. They would deal half the amount of damage if they attacked each other, and their mission was to take down the demon king.

However, there would also be a traitor amongst them, known as the 'black knight'. Their task was to protect the demon king. Like the demon king, he could inflict full damage onto the other brave warriors.

It was precisely this kind of mode that had been developed by the players over several years. It had gained much momentum over the years, but it had quite a few restrictions. The most obvious question was: Who could become the demon king and actually take down ten with one?!

Even if their attributes allowed them to easily crush a single brave warrior, the hardware conditions of both sides were basically equal. Also, there was only one demon king while the brave warriors could implement a strategy based on their team--once they teamed up, one plus one may not merely equal two. If they cooperated properly, the brave warriors could play out an extraordinary level of strength while simultaneously making up for all the weaknesses and shortcomings of each individual as a team.

Of course, it could also be said that the attributes of the demon king were also more than one plus one equals two. However, there was a problem with this logic. Very few demon kings could play out such a big attribute boost to the max. Most players who were familiar with the balanced stats in the game weren't qualified enough to be a good demon king.

This was also the biggest reason why the black knight came into being. It was mainly done with the balance between the two teams in mind. Sometimes, when the demon king wasn't strong enough, they may arrange two or even three black knights.

This time, it was obvious that the netizens had been inspired by the name, 'Odin the Great Demon King'. Right from the start of the voting process, they had desperately demanded that the demon king mode be chosen. They howled and flailed, and there was almost no tactic they hadn't tried.

And, who did they want as the demon king?

There was no need to even think about it. It was locked in. Odin the Great Demon King.

In any case, the officials hadn't planned to intervene at the start and only went off happily to inform Odin of the results.


The only ones who ended up with a constant string of ellipses over their heads were Odin himself and Victor.

Victor laughed so hard that he wanted to roll around, "They're bullying you again, hahahaha..."

Tyron: "......"

Victor then asked, "What are neutral NPCs? Will the map be filled with NPCs?"

If there was only one map and terrain at a time, the probability of a rainy day map appearing at random was very small; however, if it was a large map where N terrains came out at random all at once, there would definitely be a terrain that met the conditions for a wet body on the map!

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