Chapter 82

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Chapter 82 - Provincial Competition - Assassin End

Some of an assassin's most popular skills were: Stealth, Backstab, Throat Slice, and Shadow Jump.

Shadow Jump was the official name, but it was more commonly referred to as 'Shadow Attack', where the user would appear in the shadows behind the target after a 0.5 second delay.

It was the only instant cast skill that allowed assassins to directly appear behind the enemy, so it was often used at the most critical point for assassins in order to chase or dodge.

Cardinal seldom used this skill, because he was an assassin who was good at lurking and backstabbing. Shadow Jump wasn't one of his strong points, but that didn't mean he couldn't do it.

Now, he used it to dodge and counterattack!


As the shadows formed behind Tyron, a pair of sharp daggers stretched out and crossed over his throat.

However, a mere Shadow Jump wouldn't be enough to threaten the master assassin. At least, Cardinal's Shadow Jump hadn't reached that level yet!

He hadn't grasped the true meaning of the shadows!

At this moment, everyone had an illusion that they'd just heard a very light knock against metal.

Tyron's dagger, Deep Silence, was already placed gently against his own throat, easily resisting Cardinal's crossed double blades.

At this moment, Tyron raised his head slightly, the tip of Deep Silence pressed against his chin. His dark golden eyes seemed to be squinting slightly due to his posture, making him appear full of arrogance.

--Nobody could grasp his throat from behind.

His short sword had already left its sheath and stabbed towards Cardinal, who was now very close--

One strike! Two strikes!


Cardinal's reaction was very quick, his daggers making two sharp cutting sounds against Tyron's Deep Silence as they just happened to... cut the clasp of Tyron's hood!

When Cardinal leapt back to escape, Tyron flipped around and launched a fierce pursuit.

The speed of Tyron's actions were so fast that the strong wind they created directly lifted his hood to reveal the uncovered upper half of his face. His eyes suddenly appeared bright due to the light streaming in from the sky, turning them a brilliant platinum gold.

The two commentators lost their train of thought.

The male commentator: "Wind-windmill combo! ... It's a three, five-hit combo!"

Cardinal was also stunned for a moment, raising his daggers to block the first attack in a daze, then failing to block the successive strikes.

Tyron also paused his actions. He sent him flying with a kick and asked, "Spacing out?"

The master assassin had been playing according to the unspoken rules of this era and had deliberately set Cardinal up to not lose so miserably, but unexpectedly, he had fallen into a daze at the last moment!


Cardinal came back to his senses, and at this time, he only had a tiny bit of blood left, and the game time had already reached 20 seconds.

Tyron was amused watching this and sent out a dart to nail him to the wall by the collar, then flashed&#k2013;&#k2013;

A surprise attack right in front of him!

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