Chapter 35

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Chapter 35 - Consciousness Projection Operation

Tyron's story really surprised Victor.

He said that when 'Pei Rong' woke up again, he no longer remembered that he was Pei Rong. He had forgotten everything from the past, yet had gone straight into the free-for-all battle and pushed on.

Gradually, as 'Pei Rong' experienced more and more things and became less and less confused, he began his rise to fame as an e-sports competitor with a very different personality and self-awareness than before.

So, 'Pei Rong' was full of internal struggle as he learned about his past--including that he had an excessive sister.

"I always thought it was a new life, and I had to start a whole new journey," Tyron said. "But there are some people who keep pushing me to remember the past, and want me to sink into the quagmire of this so-called 'past'."

After Victor heard all this, he started to speak, then hesitated.

He had never known that his male god had such a difficult past! He was full of heartache!

Victor: I want to transform into a road leveling machine! So that I can flatten all the bastards who bullied my male god!


Little Vic was the kind of person who didn't hide their thoughts very deeply. Everything he felt or thought would cause a corresponding change in his expression.

Unfortunately, Tyron was a master assassin who was very good at observing human behavior, so he could tell at a glance what Little Vic was thinking.

Little Vic thought: I feel bad and want to cry, but I can't let my male god see.

Tyron thought: Alright. I'll pretend I didn't see.


After a while, Victor spoke up, "Although I'm not clear about the medical problems, I do know that mental illnesses can sometimes produce such complications. Don't worry."

"I'm not worried about this," Tyron replied, "I've already made an appointment for a consciousness projection operation. And I'm doing very well now. You should have noticed that I've already changed my avatars in the virtual world one after another."

Indeed, Victor knew that his male god had two avatars (Pei Rong's and Tyron's own), but avatars in the virtual world were just a matter of personal preference, similar to selecting a blog avatar, so he hadn't thought much of it.

Tyron continued, "Therefore, the only thing I want to do right now is to thoroughly get rid of my old identity."

"I fully support you!" Now that Victor knew that Tyron wasn't sad at all, he immediately felt happy for him. "The Phoenix Empire has laws about this!"


The two of them chatted for a while about the issue of 'changing identities'.

Victor explained that the law for this kind of situation in the Chaoyang Alliance was rather crude, but it had already been perfected in the Phoenix Empire.

The Phoenix people were a special race in the interstellar universe, as they existed in the form of spiritual bodies and had to attach themselves to a flesh and blood body in order to survive. After the physical body died, their spirits could attach to another body&#k2013;&#k2013;usually a clone. This process was called &#k2018;nirvana'.

They were the ones who had developed the procedure for changing bodies, and they already had a great many laws related to it, regardless of whether it was regarding racial characteristics or technological development.

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