Chapter 33

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Chapter 33 - Look Clearly At Who I Am

The final game of the A-League Team Competition was a big event in the competition world. In addition to the official interviews that were held after the match, many news reporters and media also crowded around the exit to the venue to try and interview the players and coaches as they came out.

This event took place in the corridor leading to the exit.

Although Tyron was very low-key as he walked, he had already become everyone's focus today, so he was chased down and blocked by the media as soon as he went out.

And then, while he was under the attack of the reporters' long and short guns, a very uncooperative young woman appeared--

Pei Ying.


This was what had happened previously.

Ever since the last time Pei Ying went to find 'her elder brother' in the real world, Tyron had directly dragged her into the blacklist. After that, Pei Ying no longer had permission to see him.

She lingered outside the door for over ten days, during which time she had tried everything: e-mails, videos, shouting at the door, rolling around and throwing a tantrum, threatening to hang herself--She finally stopped when she realized that she had really been put on the blacklist, and everything she did hadn't even been seen by her elder brother at all.

Pei Ying also went to find Lu Chaofan, but was immediately beaten up and tossed out with the threat of breaking her legs. She ran away in a panic and had been in hiding for more than a month before daring to come out again.

The reason she came out again was obviously because she had watched Lord Four in the competition.

This little sister was upset and resentful. She felt particularly unreconciled: How could her docile, obedient and filial twenty-four-year-old elder brother ignore her just like this?

It was bad enough that she was being ignored, but he was doing better and better, and had even showed himself on official media! He had large numbers of people chasing and licking him, and was even more in demand now than when he was a movie star... How come she, as this in-demand elder brother's younger sister, couldn't get a bit of the spotlight?



Pei Ying stood out in front of all these reporters and said, "Elder bro, you can't just go and ignore everyone in your family now that you've become so amazing!"

The reporters promptly redirected their camera and furiously snapped photos while making way for Pei Ying.

Pei Ying walked up to Tyron and wiped tears from her face as she said, "Do you know how worried everyone in the family is? I went to your house to see you everyday ever since you were sick, but you never replied to me once and even shut me out in the rain... It was over ten degrees below zero! Originally, I thought that you were too ill to respond and I cried so hard my vision dropped by two hundred degrees, but that wasn't the case at all! You've tossed your family away now that you've made money and have left us to fend for ourselves..."

Tyron looked at her with the gaze one reserved for the mentally challenged. His arms were crossed over his chest as he waited for her to finish speaking.

However, since his eyes had always been cold, nobody noticed much of a difference.

Pei Ying continued, "Come back, elder brother. We don't want anything of yours, and I just want my brother back! Regardless of whether you're the big star Pei Rong, an obscure patient, or a famous War God, you're still my brother!"

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